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SPCMSC hosts mini panel discussion on climate change with local school group

Meaghan Emory, Information Specialist, will be hosting a visit from a local school group to come tour the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, and facilitating a panel discussion of scientists for the children to learn about climate change.


a group of people sit in an auditorium with two scientists at a table in the front labeled "USGS"
The St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center hosted a mini panel discussion of scientists for local children to learn about USGS research, capabilities, and techniques for studying changes in climate across Earth’s history. Scientists Julie Richey and Lauren Toth presented a brief overview of their research and participated in a question & answer session with the students.

Indi-Ed is a school designed to include strategic educational opportunities that connect to the real world so that students become energized about learning. They will be visiting the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center for a tour and mini panel discussion of scientists on Friday, February 14th to learn about our research, capabilities, and to learn about techniques for studying changes in climate across Earth’s history. PIs Julie Richey and Lauren Toth will present a brief overview of their research and participate in a question & answer session with the students.


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