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Welcome to the USGS Astrogeology Science Center Analysis Ready Data Service

With this service, we enable planetary data to be more easily discoverable and accessible in a format that is ready for immediate use.

New and Upcoming Data Releases

Date      Description         Link

May 2022             The STAC compliant search API is now live and available for use. All previously released data sets are loaded into the search API. Tutorials and examples are published demonstrating usage via the command line and inside of Jupyter notebooks.       API LINK

June 2022            USGS produced absolutely controlled Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS). Data documentation is available here.       Observations in STAC Browser

July / August 2022            Kaguya/SELENE terrain camera (TC) images are being incrementally uploaded and added to the search API.       Monoscopic Observations in STAC Browser


Links for Getting Started

This site provides information and tutorials at different entry levels to meet the needs of as many users as possible, and is based on the Divio documentation system. We are continually adding to this documentation, so check back often for new resources and available data.


Lessons that take the user through a series of steps to complete a project of some kind. They are learning-oriented meaning they are written with a focus towards learning how or the strict mechanics of the process rather than learning why or extended context. We recommend you start here to develop experience browsing, searching, downloading, and visualizing planetary ARD.


How-to guides that explain the steps required to solve a real-world problem. They are goal-oriented recipes and answer basic questions aimed at beginning users. These will help you perform more complex data discovery operations, utilize multiple assets from individual ARD products for analyses, and generally perform more complex tasks than described in the tutorials. These are written with the goal of providing additional context and offering modifiable cookbooks that the reader can expand into their own custom workflows and analyses.


Explanation, or discussions, that clarify and illuminate a particular topic. They are understanding-oriented and broaden the documentation’s coverage of a topic. These learning discussions describe topics that apply to more than one data set, and therefore are described here. Examples include how DTMs are generated, and what is jitter and when might it be a concern.


Reference guides are technical descriptions of the machinery and how to operate it. They are information-oriented and provide more information about our STAC-API compliant search endpoint. This information is aimed at users wanting programmatic data discovery capabilities and developers wishing to build applications using our ARD as one of their data stores.


Location of data products available for download, descriptive metadata, and additional supporting documentation. Enumerates the available ARD, organized by major planetary body (e.g., Jupiter) and then by any minor body or moon (e.g., Europa).


There are many ways to be part of the community that is building around analysis ready data for the planetary sciences. We want to make contributing as easy as possible, engage as many users as possible, share what we know, and learn about the myriad of products we do not know about.