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USGS Participates in Earth Day Festivities on Alcatraz Island

On April 20th, the USGS California Water Science Center (CAWSC) participated in annual Earth Day festivities on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. Involvement in the event included science presentations on the island, demonstrating the ongoing research of the USGS Estuarine Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport team based in Sacramento.

USGS Wayside signs on Alcatraz Island
USGS Wayside signs on Alcatraz Island

The event also provided the opportunity to highlight the two USGS informational wayside signs have been installed near the CAWSC water quality monitoring station on the Island. The signs communicate USGS science to visitors of Alcatraz, providing information about environmental and water issues, and the work the USGS is doing in San Francisco Bay. The first panel illustrates the specific work CAWSC scientists are doing on Alcatraz and throughout the Bay-Delta. The second panel focuses on sediment transport and its effects on the ecosystem. The design and installation of the wayside signs was a collaborative effort between the USGS and The National Park Service.

Every year, the National Park Service in cooperation with Alcatraz Cruises, marks Earth Day by promoting sustainability efforts in San Francisco Bay and the surrounding area. Representatives from government, non-profit, and educational organizations are on hand to present their information to the public.  

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