Water Supply and Use
Water Supply and Use
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Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Survey 2023 - Illinois River Basin
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting an Airborne ElectroMagnetic (AEM) Survey starting in late January 2023 and lasting three to four weeks. A helicopter towing a large hoop from a cable will begin making low-level flights over the Illinois River Basin, covering much of central Illinois and parts of northwest Indiana.
Cedar River Basin - Realtime Gages
Coverages Realtime Gages in Cedar River Basin Upper Cedar 05457700 Cedar River at Charles City, IA 05458000 Little Cedar River near Ionia, IA 05458300 Cedar River at Waverly, Iowa 05458500 Cedar River at Janesville, IA Shell Rock 05462000 Shell Rock River at Shell Rock, IA Winnebago 05459500 Winnebago River at Mason City, IA 05460000 Clear Lake at Clear Lake, IA West Fork Cedar 05458900 West Fork...
Assessment of Groundwater and Quality - Cedar River Project
ASSESSMENT OF GROUND-WATER AND QUALITY: Cedar River Alluvium, Cedar Rapids, Iowa PERIOD OF PROJECT: Since 1992 PROJECT CHIEF: Steve Kalkhoff STUDY AREA: Linn County COOPERATING AGENCY: City of Cedar Rapids ( Water Division) Additional research has been provided by USGS Biological Resources Discipline and USGS National Mapping Discipline. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources has cooperated on a...