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Your portal to current and historical data for streamflow, groundwater, water quality, and other topics.

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Dissolved noble gas data and helium mass balance models for the Colorado and Virgin Rivers

Dissolved noble gas data were collected using a portable mass spectrometer mounted on inflatable rafts on the Colorado River near Glenwood Springs, Colorado and the Virgin River near La Verkin, Utah. Data were collected approximately every 3 to 10 minutes for a suite of noble gases including helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), and xenon (Xe). Patterns in observed dissolved He concent

Post-wildfire Curve Number Estimates for the Southern Rocky Mountains Data

This data repository documents the input files, output files, and RStudio script files used to generate the Curve Number (CN) regression analysis performed for a U.S Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Geological Survey study investigating the post-wildfire CN estimates for the Southern Rocky Mountains. For this CN analysis, streamgage data for runoff events within 77 burned watersheds in Colorado Ro

Concentrations of microbial source tracking markers in cattle fecal samples, western Colorado, 2023

The U.S. Geological Survey is investigating sources of fecal bacteria in streams in the Grand Valley of western Colorado by using quantitative polymerase chain reaction microbial source tracking (MST) markers. The CowM2 MST marker was not detected in water-quality samples collected in 2022, which raised questions about the use of the marker for investigations in western Colorado. The presence or a

Datasets for Evaluation and Review of Ecology-Focused Stream Studies, Fountain Creek Basin, Colorado

These data were used to describe temporal trends in fish and invertebrate communities in the Scientific Investigators Report: Evaluation and Review of Ecology-Focused Stream Studies to Support Cooperative Monitoring, Fountain Creek Basin, Colorado. This data release consists of invertebrate data collected between 1985 and 2022, fish data collected between 2003 and 2022, and the input and output fi

Geospatial Fabric for National Hydrologic Modeling, Hawaii Domain

The Geospatial Fabric is a dataset of spatial modeling units for use within the National Hydrologic Model that covers the conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska, and most major river basins that flow in from Canada.  This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release consists of the geospatial fabric features and other related datasets created to expand the National Hydrologic Model to Hawaii. T

Suspended Sediment Data and Loads in the Fountain Creek Watershed, CO

This data release consists of daily mean streamflow, daily mean suspended sediment concentration (SSC), and daily mean suspended sediment load (SSL) data for selected U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgage sites within the Fountain Creek watershed, separated by water year. Each file also includes USGS approval levels and any associated qualifiers that were applied to the values. The daily mean S

Hydroclimate Projections for Select U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Properties - Mountain-Prairie Region, 1951-2099

This data release contains time series and plots summarizing mean monthly temperature and total monthly precipitation, and runoff from the U.S. Geological Survey Monthly Water Balance Model at 115 National Wildlife Refuges within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mountain-Prairie Region (CO, KS, MT, NE, ND, SD, UT, and WY). The three variables are derived from two sets of statistically-downscaled

Near-field Remote Sensing of River Velocity, Stage, and Precipitation during Portions of 2015 in Waldo Canyon, Colorado, USA

The sensor ensemble (DEbris and Floodflow Early warNing System, DEFENS) was deployed in Waldo Canyon, Pike National Forest, Colorado, which was burned during the Waldo Canyon fire in the summer of 2012. The ensemble consists of noncontact, ground-based (near-field), Doppler velocity (velocity) and pulsed (stage or gage height) radars, rain gages, and a redundant radio communication network. This e

Benthic algae community composition data from the Colorado River Basin, Colorado, from 2022-23

This dataset includes benthic algae community composition data in the Colorado River near Cameo, Colorado, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) site number 09095500, from 2022 to 2023, and from three sites in the upper White River Basin, Colorado, in 2022. Taxonomic classification of algae species is not known well in theses rivers, and this study was conducted to record different algae species present i

Statistical and groundwater-flow models of the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer near Colorado Springs, Colorado

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Air Force Civil Engineering Center, created a numerical groundwater-flow model for the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer using the finite-difference MODFLOW code with the Newton formulation solver. This numerical groundwater-flow model simulates water-budget components, groundwater-flow directions, and groundwater-flow paths of the Fountain

Environmental tracer model for the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer, Custer and Fremont Counties, Colorado, 2019

This data release contains environmental tracer model inputs, outputs, and model results. Dataset includes environmental tracer concentrations, simulated recharge conditions (water temperature, excess air), and estimated groundwater residence times. This dataset supports an integrated hydrologic investigation of groundwater recharge processes and groundwater flow in the Wet Mountain Valley alluvia

Continuous water-quality data for selected streams in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, water years 2011 - 19 (ver. 3.0, October 2023)

This data release contains water-quality and discharge data collected at seven stream sites and one groundwater spring in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP), Colorado by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from 10/1/2010 to 9/30/2019 using in-situ sensors and field meters. Data were collected for the purpose of quantifying downstream transport of aquatic carbon and exchange fluxes of dissolved carb
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