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River Studies

River studies research supports national programs related to (1) recovery and maintenance of federal trust and endangered species, (2) ecosystem rehabilitation and management, and (3) development and application of methods for ecological assessment of aquatic systems, and (4) biological interactions involving invasive species.  Research activities encompass a range of approaches, including development of new theory, application of simulation models, field-, mesocosm-, and field-scale experimentation, and the monitoring and validation of ecological indicators. 

CERC’s river studies efforts provide tools and resources needed to inform decisions about resource management by developing, distributing, and presenting relevant scientific information to the public.  Our scientists collaborate with other disciplines within USGS, federal and state agencies, academia, and conservation groups to improve the scientific basis for management of fish and wildlife resources, and improvement in the quality of aquatic ecosystems. 


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CERC Eco-flume

The CERC Eco-flume is a continuous-loop, racetrack style flume. It is housed in a 1,350 square-foot laboratory at CERC and will be used to study transport phenomena and biophysical processes in river environments.

CERC Eco-flume

The CERC Eco-flume is a continuous-loop, racetrack style flume. It is housed in a 1,350 square-foot laboratory at CERC and will be used to study transport phenomena and biophysical processes in river environments.
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Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog

The USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project, a multi-year, interdisciplinary research study to determine factors leading to spawning and survival of the endangered pallid sturgeon and the closely related shovelnose sturgeon.

Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project Blog

The USGS Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project, a multi-year, interdisciplinary research study to determine factors leading to spawning and survival of the endangered pallid sturgeon and the closely related shovelnose sturgeon.
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River-Corridor Habitat Dynamics

River-Corridor Habitat Dynamics research seeks to improve the scientific basis for ecological restoration of large rivers. Emphasis is placed on understanding how hydrologic and geomorphic characteristics combine to create dynamic habitats for native and exotic fauna and flora.

River-Corridor Habitat Dynamics

River-Corridor Habitat Dynamics research seeks to improve the scientific basis for ecological restoration of large rivers. Emphasis is placed on understanding how hydrologic and geomorphic characteristics combine to create dynamic habitats for native and exotic fauna and flora.
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Large River Ecology, Restoration, and Management

Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project (CSRP)

The Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project (CSRP) is a multidisciplinary project conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Missouri River Recovery Program–Integrated Science Program. CERC scientists are working with river scientists and man­agers to develop methods, baseline information, and research approaches that are critical contributions to recovery success of the...

Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project (CSRP)

The Comprehensive Sturgeon Research Project (CSRP) is a multidisciplinary project conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Missouri River Recovery Program–Integrated Science Program. CERC scientists are working with river scientists and man­agers to develop methods, baseline information, and research approaches that are critical contributions to recovery success of the...
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Invasive Carp Species Section

Bighead carp ( Hypophthalmichthys nobilis ) and the closely related silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ) (together, the bigheaded carps) and black carp ( Mylopharyngodon piceus ) are rapidly expanding in numbers and distribution in the Mississippi and Missouri River basins.

Invasive Carp Species Section

Bighead carp ( Hypophthalmichthys nobilis ) and the closely related silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix ) (together, the bigheaded carps) and black carp ( Mylopharyngodon piceus ) are rapidly expanding in numbers and distribution in the Mississippi and Missouri River basins.
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