Coastal National Elevation Dataset (CoNED) - Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Model (TBDEM) Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The CoNED Project is a collaboration between the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP), the National Geospatial Program (NGP), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC).
- Field Definition: The first year of data acquisition for the source data at the start of the collection period. The begin date and end date are used to indicate the date range for the project.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The date the product was updated in the database at USGS EROS. A blank field indicates that the data not been updated.
- Field Definition: The last year of data acquisition for the source data at the end of the collection period. The begin date and end date are used to indicate the date range for the project.
- Field Definition: This field describes the naming convention of each file.
DDDDD = Dataset designator (TBDEM)
PPPP = Project name abbreviation*
NNNNN = Sequential number generated by database at time of ingest
* Northern Gulf of Mexico shortened to NGOM
- Field Definition: The horizontal reference system associated with the data.
- Field Definition: The reference system used to map the data.
Geographic or UTM
- Field Definition: A name given to a set of CoNED TBDEM data files that identifies the area of coverage.
- Field Definition: The year and month that the CoNED TBDEM was developed and published.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
- Field Definition: The distance on the ground between elevation data points.
- Field Definition: The unit of measure associated with the resolution.
- Field Definition: The vertical reference system associated with the data is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) in meters.
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The CoNED Project is a collaboration between the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP), the National Geospatial Program (NGP), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC).
- Field Definition: The first year of data acquisition for the source data at the start of the collection period. The begin date and end date are used to indicate the date range for the project.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: The date the product was updated in the database at USGS EROS. A blank field indicates that the data not been updated.
- Field Definition: The last year of data acquisition for the source data at the end of the collection period. The begin date and end date are used to indicate the date range for the project.
- Field Definition: This field describes the naming convention of each file.
DDDDD = Dataset designator (TBDEM)
PPPP = Project name abbreviation*
NNNNN = Sequential number generated by database at time of ingest
* Northern Gulf of Mexico shortened to NGOM
- Field Definition: The horizontal reference system associated with the data.
- Field Definition: The reference system used to map the data.
Geographic or UTM
- Field Definition: A name given to a set of CoNED TBDEM data files that identifies the area of coverage.
- Field Definition: The year and month that the CoNED TBDEM was developed and published.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
- Field Definition: The distance on the ground between elevation data points.
- Field Definition: The unit of measure associated with the resolution.
- Field Definition: The vertical reference system associated with the data is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) in meters.