Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle - County Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: Code that indicates whether the band type is black and white (monochrome), color infrared, or both.
Valid Codes:
M = Monochrome (Black and White)
C = Color Infrared
B = Both
- Field Definition: This field identifies the co-operating members involved with this data.
NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council
Not Applicable
- Field Definition: Name of the County for DOQ coverage.
- Field Definition: Date that the DOQ County record was updated.
- Field Definition: This field identifies the status of the requested coverage.
Valid Codes:
C = Complete
O = Other
P = Partial
- Field Definition: Entity identifier that can be used to order.
DQ = Data set identifier
00235 = Numeric CD number
1 = Number of CDs
- Field Definition: A numerical code for states and counties in the U.S.and territories as established by the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS).
- Field Definition: Code for the type of header signified by the date.
- Field Definition: This field presents the number of CDs that are required to manage the coverage or file volume requested.
- Field Definition: The full state name.
- Field Definition: The specific name of the CD coverage area. In most instances this will reflect the county and state name.
MORENGO COUNTY = County Identifier
AL = State
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: Code that indicates whether the band type is black and white (monochrome), color infrared, or both.
Valid Codes:
M = Monochrome (Black and White)
C = Color Infrared
B = Both
- Field Definition: This field identifies the co-operating members involved with this data.
NC Geographic Information Coordinating Council
Not Applicable
- Field Definition: Name of the County for DOQ coverage.
- Field Definition: Date that the DOQ County record was updated.
- Field Definition: This field identifies the status of the requested coverage.
Valid Codes:
C = Complete
O = Other
P = Partial
- Field Definition: Entity identifier that can be used to order.
DQ = Data set identifier
00235 = Numeric CD number
1 = Number of CDs
- Field Definition: A numerical code for states and counties in the U.S.and territories as established by the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS).
- Field Definition: Code for the type of header signified by the date.
- Field Definition: This field presents the number of CDs that are required to manage the coverage or file volume requested.
- Field Definition: The full state name.
- Field Definition: The specific name of the CD coverage area. In most instances this will reflect the county and state name.
MORENGO COUNTY = County Identifier
AL = State