USGS Advanced Solid-state Array Spectroradiometer (ASAS) Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The acquisition date refers to the date the image was acquired.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
- Field Definition: Type of aircraft: C-130B or P3-B.
- Field Definition: Pixel size in meters.
- Field Definition: This flag identifies whether the entity has a browse image available or not. A browse image provides the user with a visual overview of an inventory item.
Note: Browse images are resampled from the original data and may not accurately represent the full resolution product.
- Field Definition: Scene comments.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: Pixel size in meters.
Date of Last Radiometric Calibration
- Field Definition: Date of radiometric calibration.
Date of Last Spectral Calibration
- Field Definition: Date of spectral calibration.
- Field Definition: Scene size in bytes.
- Field Definition: The entity ID consists of a two digit data set designator and the photo id.
The unique accession photo id, developed for each agency, allows identification within the EROS database that is comparable with the agency's original identification.
- Field Definition: AMES and ARC = NASA Ames Research Center, GSFC WI = Goddard/Wallops Island.
- Field Definition: Number assigned to this flight.
- Field Definition: Flight line number.
- Field Definition: Frame rate of footage in frames per second.
- Field Definition: Name of investigator.
- Field Definition: Look angles moving from forward to backwards.
- Field Definition: Number of look angles including nadir.
- Field Definition: Number of spectral bands.
- Field Definition: Original ID assigned to this flight.
- Field Definition: Project assigned to this image.
- Field Definition: Radar altitude from navigation data in meters.
- Field Definition: Number of scan lines in this scene.
- Field Definition: The Sun-object-image angular relationship in any given scene. Azimuth is the angle of horizontal deviation, measured clockwise, of a bearing from a standard direction.
- Field Definition: Angle indicating the elevation of the Sun above the horizon (in degrees).
- Field Definition: Common name of the target site.
The Data Dictionaries are a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of elements for EarthExplorer products.
- Field Definition: The acquisition date refers to the date the image was acquired.
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD = Day
- Field Definition: Type of aircraft: C-130B or P3-B.
- Field Definition: Pixel size in meters.
- Field Definition: This flag identifies whether the entity has a browse image available or not. A browse image provides the user with a visual overview of an inventory item.
Note: Browse images are resampled from the original data and may not accurately represent the full resolution product.
- Field Definition: Scene comments.
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in decimal degrees for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Latitude Format Decimal Degrees: -90.000 through 90.000
Longitude Format Decimal Degrees: -180.000 through 180.000
Number of decimal places will vary by dataset – check collection in EE.
Coordinates - Degrees, Minutes, Seconds
- Field Definition: The latitude and longitude are provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds for the following fields:
Scene Center Latitude and Longitude
Northeast (NE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Northwest (NW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southeast (SE) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Southwest (SW) Corner Latitude and Longitude
Longitude Format:
DDD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 180
MM = Minute(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with E for east and W for west
Latitude Format:
DD = Degree(s) with a range of 0 through 90
MM = Minutes(s) with a range of 0 through 59
SS.SS = Second(s) with a range of 0 through 59.99
H = Hemisphere with N for north and S for south
- Field Definition: Pixel size in meters.
Date of Last Radiometric Calibration
- Field Definition: Date of radiometric calibration.
Date of Last Spectral Calibration
- Field Definition: Date of spectral calibration.
- Field Definition: Scene size in bytes.
- Field Definition: The entity ID consists of a two digit data set designator and the photo id.
The unique accession photo id, developed for each agency, allows identification within the EROS database that is comparable with the agency's original identification.
- Field Definition: AMES and ARC = NASA Ames Research Center, GSFC WI = Goddard/Wallops Island.
- Field Definition: Number assigned to this flight.
- Field Definition: Flight line number.
- Field Definition: Frame rate of footage in frames per second.
- Field Definition: Name of investigator.
- Field Definition: Look angles moving from forward to backwards.
- Field Definition: Number of look angles including nadir.
- Field Definition: Number of spectral bands.
- Field Definition: Original ID assigned to this flight.
- Field Definition: Project assigned to this image.
- Field Definition: Radar altitude from navigation data in meters.
- Field Definition: Number of scan lines in this scene.
- Field Definition: The Sun-object-image angular relationship in any given scene. Azimuth is the angle of horizontal deviation, measured clockwise, of a bearing from a standard direction.
- Field Definition: Angle indicating the elevation of the Sun above the horizon (in degrees).
- Field Definition: Common name of the target site.