USGS EROS Archive - LCMAP- Continuous Change Detection Classification v1.2 (CCDC) Products (U.S.)
The Land Change Monitoring, Assessment and Projection (LCMAP) project has generated an integrated suite of annual land cover and land surface change products for the United States based on time series data from the Landsat record from 1985–2020. LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products are based on the USGS implementation of the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) algorithm.

The need for improved understanding and management of land surface change requires increased understanding of the basic drivers of change, identification of potential consequences of change on human and natural systems, and greater insight into the impacts and feedbacks of climate change. The geospatial community requires a new generation of monitoring data and information to meet this need across a wide range of applications. Land cover and land change products need to span larger geographic extents, over longer time periods, at higher spatial resolutions, and provide more systematic and consistent information on change than ever before.
LCMAP Science Products are developed by applying time-series modeling to Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) to detect land surface change. An application of the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC, Zhu and Woodcock 2014) was developed by the LCMAP Science Team at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center (Brown et al., 2020).
LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products include ten annual products for the years 1985–2020. The final year of products in the dataset, 2020, are considered provisional for the initial release (see LCMAP Science Product Guide for more information). There are five land surface change products, produced directly from CCDC time series models, and five land cover products, produced by the classification of the time series models.
LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products are processed to 30-meter spatial resolution in an Albers Equal Area Conic (AEA) projection using the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) datum and gridded to the Landsat ARD tiling scheme.
To learn more about the differences, please visit the LCMAP Collections page.
LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products are available for the conterminous United States from 1985–2020, with 2020 considered provisional status.
Digital Products
LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products are available for the conterminous United States from 1985–2020, with 2020 considered provisional status.
LCMAP Ten Science Products
- Primary Land Cover (LCPRI) – (*_LCPRI.tif): The most likely thematic, classified land cover for the current product year.
- Secondary Land Cover (LCSEC) – (*_LCSEC.tif): The second most likely thematic, classified land cover for the current product year.
- Primary Land Cover Confidence (LCPCONF) – (*_LCPONF.tif): Provides a measure of confidence in the Primary Land Cover (LCPRI) label or additional information regarding the provenance of the result if that label was not produced by the initial classification method.
- Secondary Land Cover Confidence (LCSCONF) – (*_LCSPONF.tif): Provides a measure of confidence in the Secondary Land Cover Label (LCSEC) label or additional information regarding the provenance of the result if that label was not produced by the initial classification method.
- Annual Land Cover Change (LCACHG) – (*_LCACHG.tif): A synthesis product derived from the Primary Land Cover (LCPRI) of the current product year to that of the LCPRI of the previous year.
- Time of Spectral Change (SCTIME) – (*_SCTIME.tif): Represents the timing of a spectral change within the current product year. Defined as a “break” in a CCDC time series model where spectral observations have diverged from model predications.
- Change Magnitude (SCMAG) – (*_SCMAG.tif): Provides information on the spectral strength of intensity of a time series model “break” where spectral observations have diverged form CCDC model predictions.
- Time Since Last Change (SCLAST) – (*_SCLAST.tif): Represents the time, in days, from July 1st of the current product year back to the most recent time series model “break” where spectral observations diverged from CCDC model predictions.
- Spectral Stability Period (SCSTAB) – (*_SCSTAB.tif): Represents the length, in days, of the time series model in effect as of July 1st of the current year.
- Spectral Model Quality (SCMQA) – (*_SCMQA.tif): Provides additional information regarding the type of time series model available in the current product year.
For more information on products and their characteristics, see the LCMAP product information page.
Additional Information
- LCMAP Collection 1.2 Caveats and Constraints
- LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Product Guide (SPG)
- LCMAP Collection 1.2 Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) Algorithm Description Document (ADD)
- LCMAP Collection 1.2 Data Format Control Book (DFCB)
Access Data
Products are available for search, preview, and download through EarthExplorer (EE). For more information on data access, see the LCMAP Data Access page.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
LCMAP CCDC product "bundle" Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number: 10.5066/P9SW95Z0
Below are other science projects associated with this product.
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat Collection 2 U.S Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Product
USGS EROS Archive - LCMAP- Continuous Change Detection Classification v1.1 (CCDC) Products (U.S.)
USGS EROS Archive - LCMAP- Continuous Change Detection Classification (CCDC) Products (U.S.)
Below are data or web applications associated with this product.
The Land Change Monitoring, Assessment and Projection (LCMAP) project has generated an integrated suite of annual land cover and land surface change products for the United States based on time series data from the Landsat record from 1985–2020. LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products are based on the USGS implementation of the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) algorithm.

The need for improved understanding and management of land surface change requires increased understanding of the basic drivers of change, identification of potential consequences of change on human and natural systems, and greater insight into the impacts and feedbacks of climate change. The geospatial community requires a new generation of monitoring data and information to meet this need across a wide range of applications. Land cover and land change products need to span larger geographic extents, over longer time periods, at higher spatial resolutions, and provide more systematic and consistent information on change than ever before.
LCMAP Science Products are developed by applying time-series modeling to Landsat U.S. Analysis Ready Data (ARD) to detect land surface change. An application of the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC, Zhu and Woodcock 2014) was developed by the LCMAP Science Team at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center (Brown et al., 2020).
LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products include ten annual products for the years 1985–2020. The final year of products in the dataset, 2020, are considered provisional for the initial release (see LCMAP Science Product Guide for more information). There are five land surface change products, produced directly from CCDC time series models, and five land cover products, produced by the classification of the time series models.
LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products are processed to 30-meter spatial resolution in an Albers Equal Area Conic (AEA) projection using the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) datum and gridded to the Landsat ARD tiling scheme.
To learn more about the differences, please visit the LCMAP Collections page.
LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products are available for the conterminous United States from 1985–2020, with 2020 considered provisional status.
Digital Products
LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Products are available for the conterminous United States from 1985–2020, with 2020 considered provisional status.
LCMAP Ten Science Products
- Primary Land Cover (LCPRI) – (*_LCPRI.tif): The most likely thematic, classified land cover for the current product year.
- Secondary Land Cover (LCSEC) – (*_LCSEC.tif): The second most likely thematic, classified land cover for the current product year.
- Primary Land Cover Confidence (LCPCONF) – (*_LCPONF.tif): Provides a measure of confidence in the Primary Land Cover (LCPRI) label or additional information regarding the provenance of the result if that label was not produced by the initial classification method.
- Secondary Land Cover Confidence (LCSCONF) – (*_LCSPONF.tif): Provides a measure of confidence in the Secondary Land Cover Label (LCSEC) label or additional information regarding the provenance of the result if that label was not produced by the initial classification method.
- Annual Land Cover Change (LCACHG) – (*_LCACHG.tif): A synthesis product derived from the Primary Land Cover (LCPRI) of the current product year to that of the LCPRI of the previous year.
- Time of Spectral Change (SCTIME) – (*_SCTIME.tif): Represents the timing of a spectral change within the current product year. Defined as a “break” in a CCDC time series model where spectral observations have diverged from model predications.
- Change Magnitude (SCMAG) – (*_SCMAG.tif): Provides information on the spectral strength of intensity of a time series model “break” where spectral observations have diverged form CCDC model predictions.
- Time Since Last Change (SCLAST) – (*_SCLAST.tif): Represents the time, in days, from July 1st of the current product year back to the most recent time series model “break” where spectral observations diverged from CCDC model predictions.
- Spectral Stability Period (SCSTAB) – (*_SCSTAB.tif): Represents the length, in days, of the time series model in effect as of July 1st of the current year.
- Spectral Model Quality (SCMQA) – (*_SCMQA.tif): Provides additional information regarding the type of time series model available in the current product year.
For more information on products and their characteristics, see the LCMAP product information page.
Additional Information
- LCMAP Collection 1.2 Caveats and Constraints
- LCMAP Collection 1.2 Science Product Guide (SPG)
- LCMAP Collection 1.2 Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) Algorithm Description Document (ADD)
- LCMAP Collection 1.2 Data Format Control Book (DFCB)
Access Data
Products are available for search, preview, and download through EarthExplorer (EE). For more information on data access, see the LCMAP Data Access page.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
LCMAP CCDC product "bundle" Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number: 10.5066/P9SW95Z0
Below are other science projects associated with this product.
USGS EROS Archive - Landsat Archives - Landsat Collection 2 U.S Analysis Ready Data (ARD) Product
USGS EROS Archive - LCMAP- Continuous Change Detection Classification v1.1 (CCDC) Products (U.S.)
USGS EROS Archive - LCMAP- Continuous Change Detection Classification (CCDC) Products (U.S.)
Below are data or web applications associated with this product.