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LCMAP products produced by the USGS are available for download at no charge from a variety of sources. This page provides information on the different data access portals and download options.

LCMAP CONUS Collection 1.3 Science Products 

LCMAP Collection 1.3 conterminous United States (CONUS) products, containing 10 annual science products for 1985-2021, were released in August 2022 and are available on EarthExplorer, the LCMAP Web Viewer, the LCMAP Mosaic Download website, and in the LCMAP WMS. Check out the LCMAP Tutorials Page or the Direct Access section below to learn how to directly access the products programmatically.  


LCMAP CONUS Collection 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 Science Products 

LCMAP Collection 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 products are available on EarthExplorer; however, users are encouraged to use the most recent release. 


LCMAP Hawaii Collection 1.0 Science Products

LCMAP Collection 1.0 Hawaii Products, containing 10 annual science products for 2000-2020, were released in January 2022 and are available on EarthExplorer, the LCMAP Web Viewer, the LCMAP Mosaic Download website, and in the LCMAP WMS.



EarthExplorer allows users to download LCMAP data based on the seamless tiling scheme used by Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD). The LCMAP Collection 1 Science Products are available for search, preview, and download via EarthExplorer and can be found on the Data Sets tab under the LCMAP category, listed as CCDC V1, CCDC V1.1, CCDC V1.2, and CCDC V1.3.

LCMAP Data Location on EarthExplorer
LCMAP Data on EarthExplorer can be found on the Data Sets tab under the LCMAP category, listed as CCDC V1, CCDC V1.1, CCDC V1.2, and CCDC V1.3.

There are two data bundles available for download. The LCMAP CCDC Tile Bundle (containing the raster product data) is distributed as a .tar file and the LCMAP CCDC V3 Tile Bundles XML Metadata bundle is distributed as an .xml file.

LCMAP CCDC  V1 Bundle Options for Download through EarthExplorer
The two bundle options available for download in EarthExplorer.

LCMAP Bulk Orders and Downloads

The Bulk Download Application is a tool for downloading large quantities of LCMAP product bundles. Once scenes are added to a Bulk Order via EarthExplorer, the Bulk Download Application can be used to automatically retrieve them with little to no user interaction. The application will automatically iterate through the bundle list and download each until all have been processed.

Download LCMAP Data on EE using the Bulk Download Application
On the EarthExplorer Results tab, scenes can be added to a bulk order by selecting the gold folder on specific scenes or by checking the Add All Results From Current Page to Bulk Download.

LCMAP Viewer

The LCMAP Viewer is a web-based data visualization tool that enables users to view and download LCMAP data products, metadata, and animated graphics for a given area. 


Download Tool

The download tool allows users to draw a bounding box on the viewer for an area of interest to download data products, metadata, and animated graphics. For areas larger than 350,000 square km, users will be directed to download the datasets from EarthExplorer in ARD tile format.

Select the download tool and click once to draw a bounding box for the desired area.
Select the download tool and click once to draw a bounding box for the desired area. Select the desired products and product years in the data download panel. 

Once the download button is selected, a window will appear to confirm the order has been submitted and will be processed within 24 hours. Once the order is complete, an email will be sent with 2 links:

  • Link to the download ZIP file, available for the next 24 hours
  • Link to open the bounding box of the download job in the LCMAP Viewer


LCMAP Mosaic Download Site

The 10 annual science products are available to download as mosaics of the conterminous United States (CONUS) from 1985-2021 and Hawaii from 2000-2020. The LCMAP science products are available here:  


LCMAP Web Map Service

The 10 LCMAP science products are available to visualize using the LCMAP Web Map Service (WMS) endpoint. Visit the LCMAP WMS landing page to learn how to access the WMS layers. Users can also view the LCMAP WMS directly in a web browser using the LCMAP Web Viewer


Direct Access Options

Chapter 1A: Direct Access of LCMAP Mosaics  

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform spatiotemporal queries for LCMAP data by reading and subsetting LCMAP mosaics directly over HTTPS to extract the desired data by product and year for a given region of interest. The mosaics are distributed as internally tiled and compressed GeoTIFFs that allow direct access to the data.  

Visit the code repository for instructions on how to set up and execute the tutorial or download the Jupyter Notebook (.html) output directly.  


Chapter 1: Accessing LCMAP Data via the USGS EarthExplorer Machine-to-Machine API 

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform spatial and temporal queries for LCMAP data by submitting requests to the USGS EarthExplorer (EE) Machine-to-Machine (M2M) API. The tutorial then shows how to download and unzip LCMAP tile bundles that intersect a given spatiotemporal query. 

Visit the code repository for instructions on how to set up and execute the tutorial, or download the Jupyter Notebook (.html) output directly. 


LCMAP CONUS Reference Data

The LCMAP CONUS Reference Data is available for download through ScienceBase. 


An image of where to download LCMAP reference data.

LCMAP CONUS Validation Tables

LCMAP CONUS Validation Tables are available to download through ScienceBase.


Sources/Usage: Public Domain.

Three files available for download from ScienceBase

LCMAP CONUS Validation Data

LCMAP CONUS product Validation Data are available to download through ScienceBase

An image of where to download LCMAP validation tables in ScienceBase

LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data  

The LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data product is available for download through  ScienceBase.  

Three files from the LCMAP Hawaii Reference Data available for download from ScienceBase.
Three files available for download from ScienceBase.

LCMAP Hawaii Validation Data 

LCMAP Hawaii product validation data are available to download through ScienceBase.  

Two files from the LCMAP Hawaii Validation Data available for download from ScienceBase.
Two files available for download from ScienceBase.

Applying LCMAP Color Ramps

The five land surface change products available for download through EarthExplorer (SCTIME, SCMAG, SCLAST, SCSTAB, and SCMQA) and the SCMAG product available through the LCMAP Viewer do not have color ramps applied to them. For the EarthExplorer-distributed products, ESRI *.lyr files (compatible with ArcGIS) and *.txt files (compatible with QGIS) with the default LCMAP color ramps are provided below. For the LCMAP Viewer products, the appropriate .lyr file is included in the zip file with a README file that details how to apply the color ramps.

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