Critical commodity studies, Stillwater Complex, Montana and Duluth Complex, Minnesota
Scientific research can make our resource assessments of critical minerals more effective. This project focuses on the Stillwater Complex, Montana, which has rocks enriched in platinum-group elements (PGE), chromium, cobalt, and nickel. Project objectives are to update databases, evaluate new mapping techniques, document new styles of mineralization, and document and support research on the Stillwater Complex PGE deposit, the J-M Reef.
Science Issue and Relevance
The platinum-group elements (PGE) are consistently identified as critical minerals for many nations, including the United States, with the only primary bedrock PGE deposit in the U.S. being the J-M Reef in the Stillwater Complex, Montana. Scientific research can make our resource assessments of critical minerals more effective. For example, we can study representative deposit types in order to understand what we should be looking for and how we should look for them. Using this information, we can build the scientific databases we need to conduct geologically based assessments and identify gaps in our knowledge. Occasionally, new, provocative research suggests our paradigms may be incorrect and calls for us to go into the field to test ideas. Although the J-M Reef has been mined since 1986, very little quantitative rock geochemistry has been published.
Methodology to Address Issue
The last resource assessment of the Stillwater Complex (Zientek, 1993) was conducted over 20 years ago, just after the Stillwater PGE mine went into production. Our project will conduct the following tasks to make resource assessments of critical minerals more effective:
- Update map database from the last resource assessment (over 20 years ago) for the Stillwater Complex,
- Test and apply new mapping and analysis techniques for mafic and ultramafic layered intrusions,
- Conduct a comparative study between contact-type deposits in Stillwater and those at Duluth (Midcontinent region), and
- Summarize and publish the USGS data on the J-M Reef.
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Thin section images of hand samples from the Lady of the Lake intrusion, Montana
Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Chrome Corporation of America in the Mountain View area, 1988 to 1990
Structural measurements and their calculated surface traces, South Kawishiwi area, Duluth Complex, Minnesota
Geochemistry of rocks and rock fabric data near the hanging wall contact to the Reef Package, Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA
Thin section images of drill core and hand samples from the South Kawishiwi Intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota
Thin section images of drill core and hand samples from the Stillwater Mine area, Stillwater Complex, Montana
Thin section images of xenoliths from north of the Stillwater Complex, Montana
Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Anaconda in the Nye Basin area, 1968 to 1982
Thin section images of drill core from the Chrome Lake area in the Stillwater Complex, Montana
Thin section images of AMAX drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana
Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Cyprus in the Chrome Lake area, 1971 to 1980
Thin section images of drill core from the Crescent Creek area in the Stillwater Complex, Montana
Below are publications associated with this project.
Origin of the J-M Reef and Lower Banded series, Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA
The nature and composition of the J-M Reef, Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA
Mapping the 3-D extent of the Stillwater Complex, Montana—Implications for potential platinum group element exploration and development
The surface trace tool — Modeling complex planar interactions using ArcGIS
Scientific research can make our resource assessments of critical minerals more effective. This project focuses on the Stillwater Complex, Montana, which has rocks enriched in platinum-group elements (PGE), chromium, cobalt, and nickel. Project objectives are to update databases, evaluate new mapping techniques, document new styles of mineralization, and document and support research on the Stillwater Complex PGE deposit, the J-M Reef.
Science Issue and Relevance
The platinum-group elements (PGE) are consistently identified as critical minerals for many nations, including the United States, with the only primary bedrock PGE deposit in the U.S. being the J-M Reef in the Stillwater Complex, Montana. Scientific research can make our resource assessments of critical minerals more effective. For example, we can study representative deposit types in order to understand what we should be looking for and how we should look for them. Using this information, we can build the scientific databases we need to conduct geologically based assessments and identify gaps in our knowledge. Occasionally, new, provocative research suggests our paradigms may be incorrect and calls for us to go into the field to test ideas. Although the J-M Reef has been mined since 1986, very little quantitative rock geochemistry has been published.
Methodology to Address Issue
The last resource assessment of the Stillwater Complex (Zientek, 1993) was conducted over 20 years ago, just after the Stillwater PGE mine went into production. Our project will conduct the following tasks to make resource assessments of critical minerals more effective:
- Update map database from the last resource assessment (over 20 years ago) for the Stillwater Complex,
- Test and apply new mapping and analysis techniques for mafic and ultramafic layered intrusions,
- Conduct a comparative study between contact-type deposits in Stillwater and those at Duluth (Midcontinent region), and
- Summarize and publish the USGS data on the J-M Reef.
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Thin section images of hand samples from the Lady of the Lake intrusion, Montana
Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Chrome Corporation of America in the Mountain View area, 1988 to 1990
Structural measurements and their calculated surface traces, South Kawishiwi area, Duluth Complex, Minnesota
Geochemistry of rocks and rock fabric data near the hanging wall contact to the Reef Package, Stillwater Complex, Montana, USA
Thin section images of drill core and hand samples from the South Kawishiwi Intrusion, Duluth Complex, Minnesota
Thin section images of drill core and hand samples from the Stillwater Mine area, Stillwater Complex, Montana
Thin section images of xenoliths from north of the Stillwater Complex, Montana
Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Anaconda in the Nye Basin area, 1968 to 1982
Thin section images of drill core from the Chrome Lake area in the Stillwater Complex, Montana
Thin section images of AMAX drill core from the Stillwater Complex, Montana
Stillwater Complex, Montana: Logs of core drilled by Cyprus in the Chrome Lake area, 1971 to 1980
Thin section images of drill core from the Crescent Creek area in the Stillwater Complex, Montana
Below are publications associated with this project.