Software produced by staff of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
UASmagpy: Python code for compensating rotary-wing sling-load UAS aeromagnetic data
This notebook implements the processing of UAS aeromagnetic total magnetic intensity data as described in Phelps and others (2022). After low-pass filtering the raw data and applying a diurnal magnetic correction, a heading and altitude correction model is applied to the data, solved using regularized regression methods; heading refers to the direction in which the sensor is flying. The...
gravmagsubs: Gravitational and magnetic attraction of 3-D vertical rectangular prisms
gravmagsubs is a software package for the R language that provides tools for forward modeling gravity and magnetic anomalies from 3-D right rectangular prisms. The gravity anomaly is defined as the vertical component of gravitational acceleration, while the magnetic anomaly includes the effects of both induced and remanent magnetization. The package can model the total anomaly from a...
ReplicateChar package
The ReplicateChar package in R language provides functions for visualization and analysis of replicated charcoal counts within a discreet sedimentary horizon. The package consists of 1000+ lines of code and requires Windows OS for full functionality. It also integrates and automates the CharAnalysis.exe software (Higuera and allows for more efficient run times of high volumes of...
MTH5: an archivable and exchangeable HDF5 format for magnetotelluric data
MTH5 is an exchangeable and archivable format for magnetotelluric time series to better serve the community through FAIR principles. MTH5 is an HDF5 data container for magnetotelluric time series data, but could be extended to other data types. This open-source Python package provides tools for reading/writing/manipulating MTH5 files.
MT-metadata: Open-source Python package to work with magnetotelluric metadata
An open-source Python package to make reading/writing/editing magnetotelluric metadata easier.
iBluff - Geomorphic Analysis of Coastal Bluffs/Cliffs
The iBluff package in the R language provides an environment to conduct morphological analysis of coastal bluffs / cliffs and offers an automatic and reproducible alternative of identifying top and toe instead of hand digitizing. This package extracts elevation profiles along automatically identified pseudo-perpendicular transects on the bluff face, bluff/cliff top, toe, secondary...