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Image of sampling bottles next to a parking lot drainage pipe outlet after a rain event.

Comparison of sampling bottles next to parking lot drainage pipe outlet after a rain event near the Kansas Water Science Center. 

Comparison of sampling bottles next to parking lot drainage pipe outlet after a rain event near the Kansas Water Science Center. 

Conceptual diagram showing how compounds from tire wear 6PPD and 6PPDQ are released and move through the environment.
6PPD and 6PPD-quinone Conceptual Transport and Exposure Model
6PPD and 6PPD-quinone Conceptual Transport and Exposure Model
6PPD and 6PPD-quinone Conceptual Transport and Exposure Model

Conceptual diagram of 6PPD (green circles) and 6PPD-Q (orange circles) sources, movement, and fate in the environment. Shown with permission from the Washington State Department of Ecology. 

Conceptual diagram of 6PPD (green circles) and 6PPD-Q (orange circles) sources, movement, and fate in the environment. Shown with permission from the Washington State Department of Ecology. 

LRC map with totals
Lepidoptera Research Collection Map
Lepidoptera Research Collection Map
Lepidoptera Research Collection Map

Map of the continental United States detailing the amount of LRC specimens collected from each state as of 12/1/2023. The specimens are split up between the amount collected from the pilot study and non-pilot study with the total count of 1,109 specimens collected.

Map of the continental United States detailing the amount of LRC specimens collected from each state as of 12/1/2023. The specimens are split up between the amount collected from the pilot study and non-pilot study with the total count of 1,109 specimens collected.

Figure 1 from Kramer and Puls (2023)
Figure 1 from Kramer and Puls (2023)
Figure 1 from Kramer and Puls (2023)
Figure 1 from Kramer and Puls (2023)

Location of continuous real-time water-quality monitoring sites and land use in the Cheney Reservoir drainage basin, south-central Kansas.

Location of continuous real-time water-quality monitoring sites and land use in the Cheney Reservoir drainage basin, south-central Kansas.

Image of person kneeling in river next to a discarded tire taking a sample to be analyzed for 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone
IslandSample_PC_FriendsOfTheKaw V2.png
IslandSample_PC_FriendsOfTheKaw V2.png
IslandSample_PC_FriendsOfTheKaw V2.png

Person kneeling in the Kansas River next to a discarded tire, taking a sample to be analyzed for 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone. 

Person kneeling in the Kansas River next to a discarded tire, taking a sample to be analyzed for 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone. 

Image of the Kansas River with a person kneeling in the water taking a sample from inside of a tire to be analyzed for the presence of 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone.

Image of the Kansas River with a person kneeling in the water taking a sample from the inside of a tire to be analyzed for the presence of 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone. 

Image of the Kansas River with a person kneeling in the water taking a sample from the inside of a tire to be analyzed for the presence of 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone. 


National Liaison Committee Meeting: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
National Liaison Committee Meeting: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
National Liaison Committee Meeting: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

In this video, three speakers explain U.S. Geological Survey research on harmful algal blooms (HABs) and the nutrients that cause these toxic emerald-green blooms in the Nation’s lakes, reservoirs, and coastal waters.

In this video, three speakers explain U.S. Geological Survey research on harmful algal blooms (HABs) and the nutrients that cause these toxic emerald-green blooms in the Nation’s lakes, reservoirs, and coastal waters.

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