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December 29, 2021

Streamflow conditions in New England were generally in the normal to above normal range for much of the fall season, although much of northern Vermont and New Hampshire and northwestern Maine remained in below normal conditions because of continued lack of precipitation.

The map of New England below displays the average streamflow for the month of November 2021.

Map showing streamflow conditions in New England in November 2021
Map of New England streamflow conditions in November 2021.

Precipitation was below normal for most of New England during the fall season, a departure from above normal precipitation during the summer months. The map below displays precipitation departure from normal for the past 90 days (through December 20, 2021). Cape Cod received above normal precipitation for the period which relieved the region of drought conditions.

Map showing New England precipitation departure from normal in last 3 month of 2021
Map showing New England precipitation departure from normal in last three months of 2021.

Interestingly, groundwater elevations were generally lower during the fall than during the summer in southern New England, which was atypical of seasonal groundwater elevations, as shown below in a groundwater hydrograph for a well in eastern Connecticut.

Graph showing groundwater elevations in a Connecticut site during fall 2021
Graph showing groundwater elevations at U.S. Geological Survey site 414240072033201 during fall 2021, Windham County, Connecticut.

For more groundwater information, refer to the USGS Groundwater Watch website.


Drought conditions are assessed and mapped by the U.S. Drought Monitor. The map below of the Northeast Region shows the status of dry and drought conditions in parts of northern New England as they were on December 14, 2021.


Map of the U.S. showing drought conditions in the Northeast Region in December 2021
Map showing drought conditions in the Northeast Region in December 2021.


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