Research and Investigations
The NJWSC conducts research and investigations related to topics such as groundwater and surface-water quality related to anthropogenic and agricultural activities, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, tracking the movement of groundwater contamination, groundwater resource assessments and modeling, ecological assessments and response to urbanization, and estimating water-use for human and ecological needs. The research and investigations provide the scientific knowledge that engineers, planners and managers can used to make informed water-resources decisions.
Active Investigations
ArcGIS Online for Groundwater Information, Groundwater Synoptic Water Levels and Aquifer
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Annual Low Flow Estimates for NJDEP Water Allocation permitting
- Surface Water
Domestic Water Use Tableau Dashboard
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Barnegat Bay Nutrient Modeling using EPA WASP
- Surface Water, Quality
- Modeling
Camera deployments at Streamgages
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Chloride Trends in Coastal Plain
- Groundwater
Confined Aquifer Pumping Scenario Modeling for NJGWS
- Groundwater
- Modeling
- Publication:
Connecting RiverWare with NWS Forecasts and USGS Hindcast models on the Musconetcong with NJGWS for flow predictions
- Water Use
Contours, Water Level Difference Mapping, Chloride Values, Surficial Aquifer Contours
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Current Period Statistics Report
- Surface Water
Delaware Estuary Nutrient and DO Modeling using EPA WASP
- Surface Water
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
- Modeling
Delaware River Isotope Tracers - Intrusion to Aquifers with examination of Cl/Br ratios
- Groundwater
Ecoflow Statistics report pending for Barnegat Bay Partnership
- Surface Water
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in the New Jersey Pinelands
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Flood Warning Assessment with Hunterdon County
- Natural Hazards
Groundwater Mounding Software Tool for Use with Stormwater Pond Design
- Groundwater
- Modeling
HABs in Coastal Environments (Deal Lake – Asbury Park)
- Emerging Contaminants
HABs and SPATTS Technology (Raritan Basin, Salem River, Spruce Run Reservoir)
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Improvements to NWIS Web
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Longitudinal Profiles of SC for the Maurice, Cohansey, Alloway, Salem Tidal Rivers
- Coastal Science
Mannings N Value Assessments for New Jersey for FEMA
- Natural Hazards
Measurement of Self-supplied Domestic Water Use in New Jersey
- Water Use
Microbial Contaminants (Microbial Source Tracking – Passaic Basin & Cryptosporidium Raritan Basin)
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Microplastics Northeast Regional Study
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Mohawk River Nutrient Modeling using USACE HEC-RAS for NYSDEC
- Surface Water
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
- Modeling
New Jersey Coastal Flood Decision Support Toolbox with Inundation Maps for NJDEP
- Natural Hazards
- Story Map:
- Report:
NJ Coastal Plain Groundwater Flow Model for NJGWS
- Groundwater
- Modeling
Novel Technology Utilization – Fluidion for ecoli and coliforms (Delaware River with DRBC)
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Paired Air and Water Temperature Networks
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
PFAS Assessment in Surface Water of Manasquan River Basin
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
PFAS in Tap Water (Nationwide)
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
PFAS Particle Tracking Model of JBMDL for DOD
- Groundwater
- Modeling
Radionuclides in groundwater systems, Radium Concentrations in Southern New Jersey
- Groundwater
Raritan Bay Chloride Movement to the PRM Aquifer Modeling for NJGWS
- Groundwater
- Modeling
Regional Equations for Estimation of Daily Public Supply Use with NJGWS
- Water Use
Salinity Encroachment in Cumberland Co Sentinel Network, Aerial Electro-magnetic Survey, Interpretation of Salinity Movement
- Groundwater
Statewide Flood-frequency Analysis Update for FEMA
- Natural Hazards
StoryMap for NJ Coastal Plain Aquifer Water Levels
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
StoryMap for Streamflow Characteristics:
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Streamflow Characteristics Update report (full period of record considered)
- Surface Water
Trail Cams for Headwater Streams
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Proposed Projects
- Application of a Novel Modeling Approach in the Delaware River Basin to Understand the Connection Between Land Use and Climate Change on Stream Ecosystem Condition with Cornell University
- Use of isotopic data as a tool to evaluate groundwater flow model particle-tracking results, New Jersey Coastal Plain confined aquifers
New Jersey WSC Archived Projects
Archived and Completed Projects of the New Jersey Water Science Center
The USGS New Jersey Water Science Center conducts research and investigations related to topics such as groundwater and surface-water quality related to anthropogenic and agricultural activities, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, tracking the movement of groundwater contamination, groundwater resource assessments and modeling, ecological assessments and response to urbanization, and estimating...
The NJWSC conducts research and investigations related to topics such as groundwater and surface-water quality related to anthropogenic and agricultural activities, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, tracking the movement of groundwater contamination, groundwater resource assessments and modeling, ecological assessments and response to urbanization, and estimating water-use for human and ecological needs. The research and investigations provide the scientific knowledge that engineers, planners and managers can used to make informed water-resources decisions.
Active Investigations
ArcGIS Online for Groundwater Information, Groundwater Synoptic Water Levels and Aquifer
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Annual Low Flow Estimates for NJDEP Water Allocation permitting
- Surface Water
Domestic Water Use Tableau Dashboard
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Barnegat Bay Nutrient Modeling using EPA WASP
- Surface Water, Quality
- Modeling
Camera deployments at Streamgages
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Chloride Trends in Coastal Plain
- Groundwater
Confined Aquifer Pumping Scenario Modeling for NJGWS
- Groundwater
- Modeling
- Publication:
Connecting RiverWare with NWS Forecasts and USGS Hindcast models on the Musconetcong with NJGWS for flow predictions
- Water Use
Contours, Water Level Difference Mapping, Chloride Values, Surficial Aquifer Contours
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Current Period Statistics Report
- Surface Water
Delaware Estuary Nutrient and DO Modeling using EPA WASP
- Surface Water
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
- Modeling
Delaware River Isotope Tracers - Intrusion to Aquifers with examination of Cl/Br ratios
- Groundwater
Ecoflow Statistics report pending for Barnegat Bay Partnership
- Surface Water
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in the New Jersey Pinelands
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Flood Warning Assessment with Hunterdon County
- Natural Hazards
Groundwater Mounding Software Tool for Use with Stormwater Pond Design
- Groundwater
- Modeling
HABs in Coastal Environments (Deal Lake – Asbury Park)
- Emerging Contaminants
HABs and SPATTS Technology (Raritan Basin, Salem River, Spruce Run Reservoir)
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Improvements to NWIS Web
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Longitudinal Profiles of SC for the Maurice, Cohansey, Alloway, Salem Tidal Rivers
- Coastal Science
Mannings N Value Assessments for New Jersey for FEMA
- Natural Hazards
Measurement of Self-supplied Domestic Water Use in New Jersey
- Water Use
Microbial Contaminants (Microbial Source Tracking – Passaic Basin & Cryptosporidium Raritan Basin)
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Microplastics Northeast Regional Study
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Mohawk River Nutrient Modeling using USACE HEC-RAS for NYSDEC
- Surface Water
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
- Modeling
New Jersey Coastal Flood Decision Support Toolbox with Inundation Maps for NJDEP
- Natural Hazards
- Story Map:
- Report:
NJ Coastal Plain Groundwater Flow Model for NJGWS
- Groundwater
- Modeling
Novel Technology Utilization – Fluidion for ecoli and coliforms (Delaware River with DRBC)
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
Paired Air and Water Temperature Networks
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
PFAS Assessment in Surface Water of Manasquan River Basin
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
PFAS in Tap Water (Nationwide)
- Water Quality & Emerging Contaminants
PFAS Particle Tracking Model of JBMDL for DOD
- Groundwater
- Modeling
Radionuclides in groundwater systems, Radium Concentrations in Southern New Jersey
- Groundwater
Raritan Bay Chloride Movement to the PRM Aquifer Modeling for NJGWS
- Groundwater
- Modeling
Regional Equations for Estimation of Daily Public Supply Use with NJGWS
- Water Use
Salinity Encroachment in Cumberland Co Sentinel Network, Aerial Electro-magnetic Survey, Interpretation of Salinity Movement
- Groundwater
Statewide Flood-frequency Analysis Update for FEMA
- Natural Hazards
StoryMap for NJ Coastal Plain Aquifer Water Levels
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
StoryMap for Streamflow Characteristics:
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Streamflow Characteristics Update report (full period of record considered)
- Surface Water
Trail Cams for Headwater Streams
- Advanced Capabilities and Data Visualization
Proposed Projects
- Application of a Novel Modeling Approach in the Delaware River Basin to Understand the Connection Between Land Use and Climate Change on Stream Ecosystem Condition with Cornell University
- Use of isotopic data as a tool to evaluate groundwater flow model particle-tracking results, New Jersey Coastal Plain confined aquifers
New Jersey WSC Archived Projects
Archived and Completed Projects of the New Jersey Water Science Center
The USGS New Jersey Water Science Center conducts research and investigations related to topics such as groundwater and surface-water quality related to anthropogenic and agricultural activities, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, tracking the movement of groundwater contamination, groundwater resource assessments and modeling, ecological assessments and response to urbanization, and estimating...