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Ecological Flows

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USGS National Water Quality Network

Understanding the quality of U.S. streams, rivers, and groundwater requires consistent data collection and analysis over decades for proper context of current conditions. The USGS collects nationally standardized data and information as part of the National Water Quality Network (NWQN). The NQWN is made up of sites across the Nation where USGS scientists regularly measure water-quality conditions.

USGS National Water Quality Network

Understanding the quality of U.S. streams, rivers, and groundwater requires consistent data collection and analysis over decades for proper context of current conditions. The USGS collects nationally standardized data and information as part of the National Water Quality Network (NWQN). The NQWN is made up of sites across the Nation where USGS scientists regularly measure water-quality conditions.
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Computing Flow Statistics in the Barnegat Bay Watershed as a Step Toward Developing Ecological Flow Targets

Ecological flows (also referred to as environmental flows) collectively describe the components of streamflow that are needed to ensure the structure and function of a stream ecosystem. Five major components of streamflow that are important in shaping ecological processes in streams are: magnitude, frequency, duration, timing, and rate of change. The US Geological Survey, in cooperation with the...

Computing Flow Statistics in the Barnegat Bay Watershed as a Step Toward Developing Ecological Flow Targets

Ecological flows (also referred to as environmental flows) collectively describe the components of streamflow that are needed to ensure the structure and function of a stream ecosystem. Five major components of streamflow that are important in shaping ecological processes in streams are: magnitude, frequency, duration, timing, and rate of change. The US Geological Survey, in cooperation with the...
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StreamStats in New Jersey

StreamStats is a web application (Web Tool) for water-resources planning and engineering purposes. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas for user-selected sites on streams, generate basin characteristics and estimate flow statistics for the selected sites. Users also can select the locations of USGS data-collection stations, shown as triangles on the StreamStats map...

StreamStats in New Jersey

StreamStats is a web application (Web Tool) for water-resources planning and engineering purposes. The map-based user interface can be used to delineate drainage areas for user-selected sites on streams, generate basin characteristics and estimate flow statistics for the selected sites. Users also can select the locations of USGS data-collection stations, shown as triangles on the StreamStats map...
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Stormwater Runoff TMDL for Aquatic Life

Biological impairment is but an indicator that some type of anthropogenic process has occurred resulting in aquatic assemblage degradation. The purpose of this proposal is to establish an applicable TMDL approach to address aquatic life impairments associated with stormwater runoff and hydrologic alteration for streams in New Jersey with the goal of improving river systems by reducing the impact...

Stormwater Runoff TMDL for Aquatic Life

Biological impairment is but an indicator that some type of anthropogenic process has occurred resulting in aquatic assemblage degradation. The purpose of this proposal is to establish an applicable TMDL approach to address aquatic life impairments associated with stormwater runoff and hydrologic alteration for streams in New Jersey with the goal of improving river systems by reducing the impact...
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Streamflow characteristics and the basis for ecological flow goals

The population increase and the associated development have necessitated an increase in the withdrawals of both surface and groundwater to meet water-supply demands, have increased the amount of wastewater discharged from treatment facilities, and have increased the amount of impervious surface area and resulting stormwater flows. Since streamflow can be influenced by both human activities and...

Streamflow characteristics and the basis for ecological flow goals

The population increase and the associated development have necessitated an increase in the withdrawals of both surface and groundwater to meet water-supply demands, have increased the amount of wastewater discharged from treatment facilities, and have increased the amount of impervious surface area and resulting stormwater flows. Since streamflow can be influenced by both human activities and...
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Pilot for Long Term Daily Hydrograph Development for the Ecological Flow Goals

To use NJHAT at ungaged sites, an analytical tool is required that can develop a long-term daily hydrograph at these sites. The objectives of the project is to pilot the use of TOPMODEL and DHI software to produce long-term hydrographs at gaged sites and to show that one or both of these models could be used to produce long-term hydrographs at ungaged sites with sufficient accuracy for use with...

Pilot for Long Term Daily Hydrograph Development for the Ecological Flow Goals

To use NJHAT at ungaged sites, an analytical tool is required that can develop a long-term daily hydrograph at these sites. The objectives of the project is to pilot the use of TOPMODEL and DHI software to produce long-term hydrographs at gaged sites and to show that one or both of these models could be used to produce long-term hydrographs at ungaged sites with sufficient accuracy for use with...
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Incorporation Of Detailed, New Jersey Specific Hydrologic Information Into The Wetland Construction And Mitigation Planning Process - Develop work plan to design manual that incorporates NJ specific hydrologic information

The NJDEP is responsible for the review of proposals for wetlands mitigation and restoration submitted to the Wetland Mitigation Council. They have expressed concern that the failure of various wetland mitigation projects may be a result of problems with the hydrology of the sites. The goal of this project is to Assess the extent of hydrologic data and information that are used in typical wetland...

Incorporation Of Detailed, New Jersey Specific Hydrologic Information Into The Wetland Construction And Mitigation Planning Process - Develop work plan to design manual that incorporates NJ specific hydrologic information

The NJDEP is responsible for the review of proposals for wetlands mitigation and restoration submitted to the Wetland Mitigation Council. They have expressed concern that the failure of various wetland mitigation projects may be a result of problems with the hydrology of the sites. The goal of this project is to Assess the extent of hydrologic data and information that are used in typical wetland...
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Determining Loads of Sediment and Chemicals-of-Concern at the Dundee Dam, Passaic River, Patterson, New Jersey

The NY/NJ CARP program attempted to determine the loads of dissolved and sediment bound contaminants of concern that entered the Newark Bay through the Passaic and Hackensack Rivers. Towards this goal, a sampling station was established on the Passaic River at the Passaic Valley Water Commission Plant located at Little Falls, NJ. The USGS recently proposed to the USEPA a sampling program to...

Determining Loads of Sediment and Chemicals-of-Concern at the Dundee Dam, Passaic River, Patterson, New Jersey

The NY/NJ CARP program attempted to determine the loads of dissolved and sediment bound contaminants of concern that entered the Newark Bay through the Passaic and Hackensack Rivers. Towards this goal, a sampling station was established on the Passaic River at the Passaic Valley Water Commission Plant located at Little Falls, NJ. The USGS recently proposed to the USEPA a sampling program to...
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Ecologically Relevant Hydrologic Indices for a Baseline Period of Record for Selected Stream Gages in New Jersey

The hydroecological integrity assessment process (HIP) has been fully developed for the State of New Jersey (NJHIP). The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is in the process of applying ecologically relevant ecological flow goals (ERHI's) from the NJHIP to current and future regulation of New Jersey streams. It is the goal of NJDEP to evaluate potential impacts of a proposed water...

Ecologically Relevant Hydrologic Indices for a Baseline Period of Record for Selected Stream Gages in New Jersey

The hydroecological integrity assessment process (HIP) has been fully developed for the State of New Jersey (NJHIP). The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is in the process of applying ecologically relevant ecological flow goals (ERHI's) from the NJHIP to current and future regulation of New Jersey streams. It is the goal of NJDEP to evaluate potential impacts of a proposed water...
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Data Model of Stream Flows: Baseline Identification & Analysis for the Ecological Flow Goals

The recent 4-year joint USGS/NJDEP research project 'Ecological Flow Goals' has resulted in the New Jersey Hydrologic Assessment Tool (NJHAT). This analysis software determines streamflow characteristics and variability based on a daily hydrograph. The objectives of the project is to identify a series of baseline hydrographs for surface water gaging stations with greater than 20 years of flow...

Data Model of Stream Flows: Baseline Identification & Analysis for the Ecological Flow Goals

The recent 4-year joint USGS/NJDEP research project 'Ecological Flow Goals' has resulted in the New Jersey Hydrologic Assessment Tool (NJHAT). This analysis software determines streamflow characteristics and variability based on a daily hydrograph. The objectives of the project is to identify a series of baseline hydrographs for surface water gaging stations with greater than 20 years of flow...
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Critical area analysis

The development of groundwater in the New Jersey Coastal Plain has occurred primarily near large population centers, creating large regional cones of depression in several of the New Jersey Coastal Plain aquifers. Continued decline of water levels in the confined aquifers poses the threat of serious adverse effects to the water supply in some areas, including the depletion of groundwater supplies...

Critical area analysis

The development of groundwater in the New Jersey Coastal Plain has occurred primarily near large population centers, creating large regional cones of depression in several of the New Jersey Coastal Plain aquifers. Continued decline of water levels in the confined aquifers poses the threat of serious adverse effects to the water supply in some areas, including the depletion of groundwater supplies...
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Delaware Water Gap NPS

The primary threat to water quality and ecologic communities in the DEWA region is residential development. The five counties surrounding DEWA have experienced some of the most rapid residential development in the United States during the past several decades. This project will provide baseline data and an understanding of water-quality in streams entering the Delaware Water Gap NRA.

Delaware Water Gap NPS

The primary threat to water quality and ecologic communities in the DEWA region is residential development. The five counties surrounding DEWA have experienced some of the most rapid residential development in the United States during the past several decades. This project will provide baseline data and an understanding of water-quality in streams entering the Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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