Flood Science
Flood Science
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Assessment of compound flood risk from the combined effects of sea level rise on storm surge, tidal and groundwater flooding, and stormwater
BACKGROUND Long Island Sound has 600 miles of coastline and there are over 23 million people living within 50 miles of its shores. In response to water-quality issues and nitrogen pollution in the Sound, Congress created the Long Island Sound Study (LISS) in 1985. LISS is a partnership of federal, state, and local government agencies, private organizations and educational institutions working tog
An Analysis of Trends in the Magnitude of Floods in Urbanized Watersheds on Long Island, New York
Summary: This study aims to do a thorough analysis of trends in peak streamflows on Long Island. Reliable information about the magnitude and frequency of floods is essential for flood insurance studies, flood-plain management, and the design of transportation and water-conveyance infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, culverts, dams, and levees. Federal, State, regional, and local officials need
Flood-Inundation Mapping for Schoharie Creek at North Blenheim, NY
Background and Problem Flooding is a ubiquitous problem throughout New York State. The Schoharie Creek has experienced severe floods, including the devastating floods of August 2011 following Hurricane Irene, which severely damaged or destroyed many homes, businesses, roads, and other property within the Schoharie Valley. In North Blenheim, homes, the Blenheim Town Hall, fire hall, and maintenan
Our Science
The New York Water Science Center conducts research and investigations used across a broad range of industries and other services.
New York Flood Information
For emergency situations, please contact Chris Gazoorian, Surface Water Specialist at the USGS New York Water Science Center or call our general number (518) 285-5600 and follow the directions to leave voicemail which will be immediately forwarded to a responsible party and responded to as quickly as possible.
Southeastern New York Coastal Monitoring
USGS monitoring data for estuary and coastal-ocean sites in the southeastern New York region and links to related projects with more information about coastal flood hazards, water quality, and other topics. The USGS operates the most extensive satellite network of tide-gaging stations in the region, many of which form the backbone of flood-warning systems. The USGS provides current ("real-time")...
New York State Flood Investigations
Flooding can be a serious problem in many parts of New York State. Information on floods and analyses of flood data are needed to aid in the design of bridges, culverts, dams, highways, and buildings, and for the prudent management of flood-prone areas. Documentation of floods and a more thorough understanding of flood hydrology and hydraulics will result in more effective management of flood...
Flood-Inundation Maps for Four Stream Reaches, Ithaca, Tompkins County, New York
Problem The City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N.Y., is in the process of developing a flood management plan for the streams that flow through the City. Flooding in the City is an annual problem caused by a variety of distinct and sometimes interconnected reasons. Flooding often is a result of snowmelt and rain during the winter and spring. Slow ice-melt and breakup can lead to ice jams and subseque
Comprehensive Delineation of Groundwater Source Areas and Times-of-travel to Long Island Streams and Estuaries
Problem The discharge of freshwater and associated loading of nutrients and other dissolved constituents from the Long Island aquifer system to surrounding estuaries and their tributaries are increasingly recognized as critical factors in the health of these ecosystems. However, further work is needed to scientifically characterize these factors and present them to the public in an appropriate m
Water-Surface Profiles and Discharges for Four Stream Reaches, Ithaca, Tompkins County N.Y.
Background / Problem – The City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, N.Y., is in the process of developing a flood management plan for the streams that flow through the City. Flooding in the City is caused by a variety of distinct and sometimes interconnected reasons. Flooding often is a result of snowmelt and rain during the winter and spring. Slow ice-melt and breakup can lead to ice jams and subsequent
Flood-inundation mapping of Egypt Creek, Dryden, Tompkins County
Problem – Flooding is an annual problem along Egypt Creek in Dryden. Increased runoff from expanding development, sediment clogged channels, and undersized culverts that cannot convey increased flows contribute to the problem. Flood maps for extreme floods are available through the effective FEMA flood insurance study (FEMA, 1978), but these maps, which became effective in 1979, are considered no
Effect of Flooding from Tropical Storm Irene on Fish Assemblages in the Upper Esopus Creek Basin
Background The Upper Esopus Creek, a popular trout-fishing and recreational stream in the heart of the Catskill Mountains, received historic flooding from Tropical Storm Irene on August 28, 2011. Streamflows approached or surpassed the 1% annual exceedance probability (>100 year) flood levels at several USGS streamgages in this basin. Short-term flood impacts on biological assemblages have been as