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Minerals Information Publication List Services

List services provide emailed notifications when a new mineral commodity publication is posted to the website, organized by commodity, country, or special topic.

Readers interested in receiving an email notice when USGS Minerals Information periodical publications (annual, quarterly, and/or monthly) become available may subscribe to the Mineral Commodities list service. Subscribers must refine which publications they receive by answering questions (on the questions tab of the subscription form) to select options organized by commodity, country, or special topic. Readers must select options from at least one question to receive notifications. The questions are as follows:

  • Mineral Commodity Types: please select any in which you are interested to receive notifications of Minerals Yearbook Volume I (Metals and Minerals) and any Mineral Industry Surveys publications for that mineral commodity.
  • Mineral Commodity Regions: please select any foreign regions in which you are interested to receive notifications of related Minerals Yearbook Volume III (Area Reports - International) publications. (U.S data are covered under the Mineral Commodity Types as well as Special Topics categories).
  • Mineral Commodity Special Topics: please select any in which you are interested to receive notifications of related publications.

To receive email notifications, use this subscription form

Subscribers who have selected the option of a particular mineral commodity will receive an email when Minerals Yearbook Volume I chapters or Mineral Industry Surveys are published for the selected commodity. Subscribers who have selected a geographic region of interest will receive a notification when a Mineral Yearbook Volume III chapter is published for a country that is located in the region. U.S. States (Minerals Yearbook Volume II ) are now included in the special topic category. A special publication notification may also be sent for a particular commodity or region.