Water Quality and Ecology
PFAS & nutrients in streams, sediment, groundwater contamination, ecology and biodiversity, and more on the quality of Pennsylvania's waters
Water Availability and Use
How much water flows through and is stored in our natural hydrologic systems, and is it suitable for use?
Surface Water
USGS provides basic data, statistics, and studies related to floods, droughts, and streamflow conditions throughout Pennsylvania
Groundwater has provided water supply for Pennsylvanians for more than 100 years
Regional Studies and Technical Support
USGS conducts monitoring and studies of the water resources of Pennsylvania through national programs and through local studies with cooperators
PFAS chemicals detected in many rivers and streams across Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Water Science Center conducts monitoring, assessments, and research on a variety of hydrological and biological themes and topics across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Characterizing the quantity and quality of Pennsylvania’s surface and groundwaters is a focus of the Pennsylvania Water Science Center’s mission.