What is a Super Gage?
A gage at which continuous flow and water level are determined, along with continuous traditional water-quality (water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and/or turbidity) and either of the following criteria: at least one other less-traditional continuous water-quality parameter (orthophosphate, nitrate concentration) and/or where surrogates (developed from regression models) which are used to estimate time series concentrations of constituents (such as suspended sediment, total nitrogen or total phosphorous).
Super gages provide real-time, continuous water-quality information for rivers and streams at selected USGS streamgages in Pennsylvania.
USGS scientists can continuously estimate water quality constituents that are difficult to measure in real-time by combining discrete and continuous data in statistical models. For example, in-stream turbidity sensors are often used to continuously estimate suspended sediment concentrations. Continuously measured and estimated concentrations, as well as loads (mass transported downstream), are publicly accessible on USGS web pages.
Current super gage projects in Pennsylvania include:
- York County
- Chiques Creek
- Swatara Creek
- Lower Susquehanna River at Columbia
- Small Agricultural Watersheds
- Delaware River
- Chester County
- Delaware River Basin NGWOS
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The importance of U.S. Geological Survey water-quality super gages
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Guidelines and Procedures for Computing Time-Series Suspended-Sediment Concentrations and Loads from In-Stream Turbidity-Sensor and Streamflow Data
Guidelines and standard procedures for continuous water-quality monitors: Site selection, field operation, calibration, record computation, and reporting
What is a Super Gage?
A gage at which continuous flow and water level are determined, along with continuous traditional water-quality (water temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and/or turbidity) and either of the following criteria: at least one other less-traditional continuous water-quality parameter (orthophosphate, nitrate concentration) and/or where surrogates (developed from regression models) which are used to estimate time series concentrations of constituents (such as suspended sediment, total nitrogen or total phosphorous).
Super gages provide real-time, continuous water-quality information for rivers and streams at selected USGS streamgages in Pennsylvania.
USGS scientists can continuously estimate water quality constituents that are difficult to measure in real-time by combining discrete and continuous data in statistical models. For example, in-stream turbidity sensors are often used to continuously estimate suspended sediment concentrations. Continuously measured and estimated concentrations, as well as loads (mass transported downstream), are publicly accessible on USGS web pages.
Current super gage projects in Pennsylvania include:
- York County
- Chiques Creek
- Swatara Creek
- Lower Susquehanna River at Columbia
- Small Agricultural Watersheds
- Delaware River
- Chester County
- Delaware River Basin NGWOS
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