Dr. Christina Kellogg was the invited speaker in the Florida Atlantic University (FAU)–Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) Marine Science Seminar Series
Dr. Christina Kellogg (SPCMSC Research Microbiologist) gave an invited seminar at Florida Atlantic University on her research into mesophotic and deep-sea coral microbiomes.
The seminar is part of the Florida Atlantic University (FAU)–Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) Marine Science Seminar Series and was held October 28th at 12pm ET. This series is open to the faculty, research staff, and other students, as well as being attended by graduate students for credit. The title of her virtual talk is “Deep-Sea Coral Microbiomes: The Importance of Benchmarks.”
Dr. Kellogg has been with the USGS for 21 years and is recognized internationally as an expert on microbiomes, corals, and deep-sea research. She is active in shaping the direction of microbiome research in the U.S. Her work has spanned from visiting deep-sea habitats in submersibles to advance understanding of the biodiversity and resiliency of deep-sea ecosystems—important issues for informing energy development decisions—to investigating the causative agents of marine mass mortality events including stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) and the 2022 rapid Diadema urchin die-off.
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