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Non-native Marine Fishes in Waters Adjacent to Florida

Below is a list of non-native marine fish species observed or collected in waters near Florida. Their presence in adjacent waters indicates there is potential for these species to spread into Florida waters. Each species is linked to a fact sheet with information on identification, biology and ecology. Maps indicate species occurrences linked to USGS-NAS data, which is available for download. Data may be downloaded directly from the map page of a particular species or you can contact Dr. Pam Schofield directly with your inquiry.

Non-native Marine Fishes in Waters Adjacent to Florida

Family Genus and Species Common Name Continent of Origin Location of Recorded Sightings
Blenniidae Omobranchus punctatus muzzled blenny Indo-Pacific Brazil, Colombia, Trinidad, Panama, Venezuela
Carcharhinidae Triaenodon obesus whitetip reef shark Indo-Pacific Brazil
Eleotridae Butis koilomatodon mud sleeper Indo-Pacific Brazil, Panama, Venezuela
Haemulidae Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides spotted sweetlip Indo-Pacific St. Martin
Pomacentridae Chromis limbata Azores chromis Europe and Africa Brazil
Carangidae Gnathanodon speciosus golden trevally Indo-Pacific Cuba


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