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Hydrography Seminar Series, Seminar 7 (Part 2) - March, 2016

Hydrography for Fisheries and Ecosystems
Integrating Hydrography and Fisheries data to assess ecological flows

Thursday March 17, 2016 - 2:00 PM Eastern - One Hour, Two Parts

Dr. Howard Reeves, Research Hydrologist, USGS Michigan-Ohio Water Science Center

Abstract - Information and data from NHDPlus, streamgages and flow-models,stream temperature measures and models, and fisheries surveys were combined to provide science support for the State of Michigan's implementation of the Great Lakes Compact. Products that proved critical to management and policy work included: 1) maps of statewide flows and fish community types; and 2) flow-fish response curves. These same types of data and expanded analysis are being used to assess ecological flows across the US Great Lakes Basin. The analytical and data framework used to build this statewide and regional analysis could be applied across the country.

Biography – Howard Reeves is a research hydrologist in the USGS Michigan-Ohio Water Science Center. Reeves worked on the technical team that supported development of the Michigan Water-Withdrawal Assessment Process and Screening-Tool, and has worked on an interdisciplinary team to move the science used in the Michigan work to the Great Lakes Basin.

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