Data for depth of groundwater used for drinking-water supplies in the United States
December 20, 2022
This data release includes grids representing the depth and thickness of drinking-water withdrawal zones, polygons of hydrogeologic settings, an inventory of sources of well construction data, and summaries of data comparisons used to assess the depth of groundwater used for drinking-water supplies in the United States. Well construction data sources are documented in Table1_DataSources.xlsx. Data comparisons using the Mann-Whitney test to assess similarity between hydrogeologic settings were used to justify combining data where they were sparse (compare_neighbors_all_domestic.txt and compare_neighbors_all_public.txt). Water-supply-well depth varies geographically by water use and the type of well, which illustrates the need to identify the depth of domestic drinking water withdrawal and depth of public supply drinking water withdrawal zones. Water-supply-well depth also varies by aquifer; therefore median values were calculated for each Principal Aquifer (PA), Secondary Hydrogeologic Region (SHR) between PAs and PA or SHR associated with overlying sediment polygons, where present, including glacial (G), coarse glacial (GC), and stream-valley alluvium (AV) polygons (all termed hydrogeologic settings here). A polygon shape file of hydrogeologic settings is included in this data release ( and includes well counts and median thicknesses and depths for each area. This data release documents an inventory of well construction data sources and thickness and median top and bottom of drinking water depth zones by aquifer for domestic and public supplies. This data release includes equations used for estimating information for wells missing information on the depth to the top/length of the open interval.
This data release contains: --Shape file with well counts and median depth and thickness for hydrogeologic setting areas
compare_neighbors_all_domestic.txt --results of Mann-Whitney tests to assess domestic-supply well construction data
similarity between hydrogeologic settings
compare_neighbors_all_public.txt --results of Mann-Whitney tests to assess public-supply well construction data
similarity between hydrogeologic settings
Depth_of_Drinking_Water_Supplies_Metadata07232021.xml --Metadata
NonReferencedDomestic.txt --An inventory of domestic-supply well data that are not published elsewhere
NonReferencedPublic.txt --An inventory of public-supply well data that are not published elsewhere
Table1_DataSources.xlsx --An inventory of databases, references, state web sites, and individual state contacts for
data sources. The logic behind data extraction algorithms is also defined for each data source. A tab delimited
text version with the same name is also available.
Lithology_OpenIntervalLengthFit.txt --Parameters for equations used for estimating open intervals by lithology,
overlying sediment, and well type
HydrogeologicSetting_OpenIntervalLengthFit.txt --Parameters for equations used for estimating open intervals by
hydrogeologic setting and well type contains:
domestic_bottom_dist_to_5.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well open interval bottom depth data density, distance
to reach 5 wells with information on the bottom of the open interval
domestic_open_dist_to_5.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well open interval length data density, distance to reach
5 wells with information on open interval length
domestic_bottom_open.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well depth to the bottom of the open interval
domestic_len_open.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well open-interval length
domestic_top_open.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well depth to the top of the open interval contains:
public_bottom_dist_to_5.asc --Grid of the public-supply well open interval bottom depth data density, distance
to reach 5 wells with information on the bottom of the open interval
public_open_dist_to_5.asc --Grid of the public-supply well open interval length data density, distance to reach 5
wells with information on open interval length
public_bottom_open.asc --Grid of the public-supply well depth to the bottom of the open interval
public_len_open.asc --Grid of the public-supply well open-interval length
public_top_open.asc --Grid of the public-supply well depth to the top of the open interval contains:
pubdom_bottom_open_diff.asc --Grid of the differences between the public-supply and domestic-supply well moving
median surfaces representing the bottom of the open interval
pubdom_len_open_diff.asc --Grid of the differences between the public-supply and domestic-supply well moving
median surfaces representing the length of the open interval
pubdom_top_open_diff.asc --Grid of the differences between the public-supply and domestic-supply well moving
median surfaces representing the top of the open interval
This data release contains: --Shape file with well counts and median depth and thickness for hydrogeologic setting areas
compare_neighbors_all_domestic.txt --results of Mann-Whitney tests to assess domestic-supply well construction data
similarity between hydrogeologic settings
compare_neighbors_all_public.txt --results of Mann-Whitney tests to assess public-supply well construction data
similarity between hydrogeologic settings
Depth_of_Drinking_Water_Supplies_Metadata07232021.xml --Metadata
NonReferencedDomestic.txt --An inventory of domestic-supply well data that are not published elsewhere
NonReferencedPublic.txt --An inventory of public-supply well data that are not published elsewhere
Table1_DataSources.xlsx --An inventory of databases, references, state web sites, and individual state contacts for
data sources. The logic behind data extraction algorithms is also defined for each data source. A tab delimited
text version with the same name is also available.
Lithology_OpenIntervalLengthFit.txt --Parameters for equations used for estimating open intervals by lithology,
overlying sediment, and well type
HydrogeologicSetting_OpenIntervalLengthFit.txt --Parameters for equations used for estimating open intervals by
hydrogeologic setting and well type contains:
domestic_bottom_dist_to_5.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well open interval bottom depth data density, distance
to reach 5 wells with information on the bottom of the open interval
domestic_open_dist_to_5.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well open interval length data density, distance to reach
5 wells with information on open interval length
domestic_bottom_open.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well depth to the bottom of the open interval
domestic_len_open.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well open-interval length
domestic_top_open.asc --Grid of domestic-supply well depth to the top of the open interval contains:
public_bottom_dist_to_5.asc --Grid of the public-supply well open interval bottom depth data density, distance
to reach 5 wells with information on the bottom of the open interval
public_open_dist_to_5.asc --Grid of the public-supply well open interval length data density, distance to reach 5
wells with information on open interval length
public_bottom_open.asc --Grid of the public-supply well depth to the bottom of the open interval
public_len_open.asc --Grid of the public-supply well open-interval length
public_top_open.asc --Grid of the public-supply well depth to the top of the open interval contains:
pubdom_bottom_open_diff.asc --Grid of the differences between the public-supply and domestic-supply well moving
median surfaces representing the bottom of the open interval
pubdom_len_open_diff.asc --Grid of the differences between the public-supply and domestic-supply well moving
median surfaces representing the length of the open interval
pubdom_top_open_diff.asc --Grid of the differences between the public-supply and domestic-supply well moving
median surfaces representing the top of the open interval
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2022 |
Title | Data for depth of groundwater used for drinking-water supplies in the United States |
DOI | 10.5066/P94640EM |
Authors | James R Degnan, Leon J Kauffman, Kenneth Belitz, Paul E Stackelberg, Melinda L Erickson |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Water Resources Mission Area - Headquarters |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |
Depth of groundwater used for drinking-water supplies in the United States
Groundwater supplies 35 percent of drinking water in the United States. Mapping the quantity and quality of groundwater at the depths used for potable supplies requires an understanding of locational variation in the characteristics of drinking-water wells (depth and open interval). Typical depths of domestic- and public-drinking-water supply wells vary by and within aquifer across the...
James R. Degnan, Leon J. Kauffman, Melinda L. Erickson, Kenneth Belitz, Paul E. Stackelberg
Depth of groundwater used for drinking-water supplies in the United States
Groundwater supplies 35 percent of drinking water in the United States. Mapping the quantity and quality of groundwater at the depths used for potable supplies requires an understanding of locational variation in the characteristics of drinking-water wells (depth and open interval). Typical depths of domestic- and public-drinking-water supply wells vary by and within aquifer across the...
James R. Degnan, Leon J. Kauffman, Melinda L. Erickson, Kenneth Belitz, Paul E. Stackelberg