A tide gage that measures water levels at 5-minute intervals installed in Academy Cove in 2021. Wickford, Rhode Island.
James Richard Degnan
James Degnan is a hydrologist in the New England Water Science Center.
He is currently finishing a 4 year detail with the Groundwater Status and Trends, National Water Quality Program and working on some new program opportunities with the New England Water Science Center. James has been on numerous project teams tasked with multi-disciplinary investigations of hydrogeology, water chemistry, groundwater recharge dates, and riverbed sediment to help answer questions about water supply and contamination issues. He began work for the USGS in 1994 as a student working on a bridge scour project. He also participated in an exchange program in Budapest, Hungary in 1995 and received his B.S. in Geology from the University of New Hampshire in 1997. After graduation, his first duties as a hydrologist with the NH Bedrock Aquifer Assessment project included remote sensing, GIS, geophysics, and water quality data analysis. James has been involved in applied science and research projects across the US, and in Honduras and Abu Dhabi.
Professional Experience
Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, 1997 to Present
Student Trainee, U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center, 1994 to 1997
Education and Certifications
B.S. Geology, University of New Hampshire, 1997
Science and Products
Assessment of Nutrient Transport and Discharge to Coastal Embayments, Wickford, Rhode Island
Preliminary Research into the Causes of Iron Fouling in Water at Roadway Construction Sites
Groundwater level trends for 110 U.S. Geological Survey observation wells in the Delaware River Basin
Passive Seismic Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Measurements at Transportation Infrastructure Sites in New Hampshire, 2022
Data for depth of groundwater used for drinking-water supplies in the United States
Borehole, Surface and Water-Borne Geophysical Surveys at the Callahan Mine Superfund Site in Brooksville, Maine: October 2016 to July 2018
Datasets of Groundwater-Quality and Select Quality-Control Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January 2017 through December 2019
Iron fouling data associated with drainage from roadway sites constructed with rock fill in New Hampshire
Datasets from Groundwater-Quality and Select Quality-Control Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January through December 2016, and Previously Unpublished Data from 2013 to 2015
Data for Time Scales of Arsenic Variability and the Role of High-Frequency Monitoring at Three Water-Supply Wells in New Hampshire, USA
Bedrock well yield, lineaments, and ancillary data in the Nashoba Terrane, central and eastern Massachusetts
A tide gage that measures water levels at 5-minute intervals installed in Academy Cove in 2021. Wickford, Rhode Island.
Groundwater sampling along the shoreline of Academy Cove, Wickford, Rhode Island, February 9, 2021
Groundwater sampling along the shoreline of Academy Cove, Wickford, Rhode Island, February 9, 2021
Instrumentation for measuring real-time groundwater properties at the SGW-93 bedrock-aquifer public-supply well pump house in Seabrook, NH. Read the journal article.
Instrumentation for measuring real-time groundwater properties at the SGW-93 bedrock-aquifer public-supply well pump house in Seabrook, NH. Read the journal article.
The National integrated water availability assessment, water years 2010–20
Water supply in the conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, water years 2010–20
Status of water-quality conditions in the United States, 2010–20
Advancing subsurface investigations beyond the borehole with passive seismic horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio and electromagnetic geophysical methods at transportation infrastructure sites in New Hampshire
Depth of groundwater used for drinking-water supplies in the United States
Groundwater quality in the Colorado Plateaus aquifers, western United States
Groundwater-quality and select quality-control data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January 2017 through December 2019
A multi-model approach toward understanding iron fouling at rock-fill drainage sites along roadways in New Hampshire, USA
Groundwater-quality and select quality-control data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January through December 2016, and previously unpublished data from 2013 to 2015
The relation of geogenic contaminants to groundwater age, aquifer hydrologic position, water type, and redox conditions in Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain aquifers, eastern and south-central USA
Time scales of arsenic variability and the role of high-frequency monitoring at three water-supply wells in New Hampshire, USA
Arsenic variability and groundwater age in three water supply wells in southeast New Hampshire
Science and Products
Assessment of Nutrient Transport and Discharge to Coastal Embayments, Wickford, Rhode Island
Preliminary Research into the Causes of Iron Fouling in Water at Roadway Construction Sites
Groundwater level trends for 110 U.S. Geological Survey observation wells in the Delaware River Basin
Passive Seismic Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Measurements at Transportation Infrastructure Sites in New Hampshire, 2022
Data for depth of groundwater used for drinking-water supplies in the United States
Borehole, Surface and Water-Borne Geophysical Surveys at the Callahan Mine Superfund Site in Brooksville, Maine: October 2016 to July 2018
Datasets of Groundwater-Quality and Select Quality-Control Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January 2017 through December 2019
Iron fouling data associated with drainage from roadway sites constructed with rock fill in New Hampshire
Datasets from Groundwater-Quality and Select Quality-Control Data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Project, January through December 2016, and Previously Unpublished Data from 2013 to 2015
Data for Time Scales of Arsenic Variability and the Role of High-Frequency Monitoring at Three Water-Supply Wells in New Hampshire, USA
Bedrock well yield, lineaments, and ancillary data in the Nashoba Terrane, central and eastern Massachusetts
A tide gage that measures water levels at 5-minute intervals installed in Academy Cove in 2021. Wickford, Rhode Island.
A tide gage that measures water levels at 5-minute intervals installed in Academy Cove in 2021. Wickford, Rhode Island.
Groundwater sampling along the shoreline of Academy Cove, Wickford, Rhode Island, February 9, 2021
Groundwater sampling along the shoreline of Academy Cove, Wickford, Rhode Island, February 9, 2021
Instrumentation for measuring real-time groundwater properties at the SGW-93 bedrock-aquifer public-supply well pump house in Seabrook, NH. Read the journal article.
Instrumentation for measuring real-time groundwater properties at the SGW-93 bedrock-aquifer public-supply well pump house in Seabrook, NH. Read the journal article.