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Hydraulic Model Archive and Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator (FluEgg) Results for Simulations of Invasive Carp Egg and Larval Drift in the Maumee River, Ohio (ver. 1.1, July 2023)

November 21, 2022

The U.S. Geological Survey simulated the drift and dispersal of invasive carp eggs and larvae in the Maumee River, Ohio, using the Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator (FluEgg) (Garcia and others, 2013; Domanski, 2020). The hydraulic inputs used in the FluEgg simulations were generated using a one-dimensional Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) 5.0.7 model of the Maumee River (HEC-RAS, 2020). HEC-RAS simulations and FluEgg simulations were run for both steady and unsteady flow conditions. This data release contains an archive of the relevant files to document and run the HEC-RAS and FluEgg simulations of the Maumee River as well as the simulation outputs.

References Cited:

Garcia, T., Jackson, P.R., Murphy, E.A., Valocchi, A.J., Garcia, M.H., 2013, Development of a Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator to evaluate the transport and dispersion of Asian carp eggs in rivers: Ecological Modelling v. 263, p. 211–222. [Also available at]

Domanski, M.M., Berutti, M.C., 2020, FluEgg, version 4.1.1, U.S. Geological Survey software release, accessed August 2020, at

Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), 2020, accessed August 20, 2020, at

Publication Year 2022
Title Hydraulic Model Archive and Fluvial Egg Drift Simulator (FluEgg) Results for Simulations of Invasive Carp Egg and Larval Drift in the Maumee River, Ohio (ver. 1.1, July 2023)
DOI 10.5066/P9CQ6FYX
Authors Jessica Z LeRoy, Charles V Cigrand, Patrick R Jackson, Henry F Doyle
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Central Midwest Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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