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OFR 2021-1008 MODEL ARCHIVE: Soil-Water-Balance model developed to simulate net infiltration and irrigation water use for the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System, 1915 to 2018

November 16, 2021

This model archive makes available the calibrated Soil-Water-Balance (SWB) model used to simulate potential recharge for the Mississippi Alluvial Aquifer for 1915 to 2018. The model was calibrated using monthly values of evapotranspiration and annual values of runoff and recharge for 19 drainage basins selected from within or nearby the Mississippi Alluvial Aquifer system. The calibrated SWB model and its use are described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2021-1008. The model was used to create output at two different scales: 1,609-meter and 1,000-meter grid cells. Also included are files used to generate a high-resolution (100-meter) subset of output for an area near Shellmound, Mississippi. The directory structure of the model archive contains all of the files needed to document and run the model for a short example time period. This archive *does not* include all daily weather data drivers needed to replicate the model output; those files consume tens of gigabytes of storage space and are available elsewhere on the Internet (sources and online links to these data are provided in the source information section of the metadata and the Related External Resouces section of this page). The directories in the archive are presented each as a separate .zip file and include a "bin" directory, a "georef" directory, a "model directory, an "output" directory, and a "source" directory. There is a README file describing all the files and directories in the archive and information on how to run the model. Each primary folder also contains a README file describing the contents.

Publication Year 2021
Title OFR 2021-1008 MODEL ARCHIVE: Soil-Water-Balance model developed to simulate net infiltration and irrigation water use for the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System, 1915 to 2018
DOI 10.5066/P98PBR8O
Authors Stephen M Westenbroek, David E Ladd, Martha G Nielsen
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Upper Midwest Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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