Suspended-sediment concentrations and loss-on-ignition from water samples collected in the Herring River during 2018-19 in Wellfleet, MA (ver 1.1, March 2023)
March 31, 2022
The Herring River in Wellfleet, MA is a tidally-restricted estuary system. Management options including potential restoration of unrestricted tidal flows require an understanding of pre-restoration sediment conditions. Altering future tidal flows may cause changes in net sediment flux and direction, which could affect marsh restoration and aquaculture in Wellfleet Harbor. This research aims to measure sediment fluxes seaward of the Herring River restriction and sediment concentrations landward of the restriction. These measurements will inform management efforts by estimating the sediment budget and sediment availability after possible removal of the tidal restriction.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2022 |
Title | Suspended-sediment concentrations and loss-on-ignition from water samples collected in the Herring River during 2018-19 in Wellfleet, MA (ver 1.1, March 2023) |
DOI | 10.5066/P9ZL2IPN |
Authors | Olivia A De Meo, Steven E Suttles, Neil Kamal Ganju, Eric D Marsjanik |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |
Calibrating optical turbidity measurements with suspended-sediment concentrations from the Herring River in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, from November 2018 to November 2019
The sediment budget in the tidally restricted Herring River in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, must be quantified so restoration options for the river can be evaluated. Platforms equipped with optical turbidity sensors were deployed seaward and landward of the Herring River restriction to measure a time series of turbidity, from which a time series of suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) can...
Olivia A. De Meo, Neil K. Ganju, Robert D. Bales, Eric D. Marsjanik, Steven E. Suttles
Olivia A. De Meo
Physical Scientist
Physical Scientist
Steven E Suttles
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Neil Kamal Ganju, PhD
Research Oceanographer
Research Oceanographer
Eric E Marsjanik
Electronics Technician
Electronics Technician
Calibrating optical turbidity measurements with suspended-sediment concentrations from the Herring River in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, from November 2018 to November 2019
The sediment budget in the tidally restricted Herring River in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, must be quantified so restoration options for the river can be evaluated. Platforms equipped with optical turbidity sensors were deployed seaward and landward of the Herring River restriction to measure a time series of turbidity, from which a time series of suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) can...
Olivia A. De Meo, Neil K. Ganju, Robert D. Bales, Eric D. Marsjanik, Steven E. Suttles
Olivia A. De Meo
Physical Scientist
Physical Scientist
Steven E Suttles
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Neil Kamal Ganju, PhD
Research Oceanographer
Research Oceanographer
Eric E Marsjanik
Electronics Technician
Electronics Technician