The Nation relies on oil and gas to power its economy, and unconventional gas is the fastest-growing energy resource in the United States. The U.S. Geological Survey is the authoritative, unbiased source for assessments of the world's oil and gas endowment. Come learn how these exciting new energy resources may contribute to the energy mix.
Why does the USGS decide to reassess oil and gas formations?
The USGS regularly re-examines our assessments to see if updated information warrants a reassessment. Sometimes more information is available either from USGS research or industry production, and the USGS decides to conduct a new assessment.
Learn more: USGS Energy Assessments
What is the difference between the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
Does the Bakken Formation contain more oil than Saudi Arabia?
How is hydraulic fracturing related to earthquakes and tremors?
What are "technically recoverable" oil and gas resources?
What is the difference between assessed oil and gas “resources” and “reserves”?
The Nation relies on oil and gas to power its economy, and unconventional gas is the fastest-growing energy resource in the United States. The U.S. Geological Survey is the authoritative, unbiased source for assessments of the world's oil and gas endowment. Come learn how these exciting new energy resources may contribute to the energy mix.
National assessment of carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery and associated carbon dioxide retention resources — Summary
Assessment of undiscovered continuous oil resources in the Bakken and Three Forks Formations of the Williston Basin Province, North Dakota and Montana, 2021
Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources in the eastern Mediterranean area, 2020
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Central North Slope of Alaska, 2020
Statistics of petroleum exploration in the world outside the United States and Canada through 2001
What is the difference between the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
Does the Bakken Formation contain more oil than Saudi Arabia?
How is hydraulic fracturing related to earthquakes and tremors?
What are "technically recoverable" oil and gas resources?
What is the difference between assessed oil and gas “resources” and “reserves”?
The Nation relies on oil and gas to power its economy, and unconventional gas is the fastest-growing energy resource in the United States. The U.S. Geological Survey is the authoritative, unbiased source for assessments of the world's oil and gas endowment. Come learn how these exciting new energy resources may contribute to the energy mix.
The Nation relies on oil and gas to power its economy, and unconventional gas is the fastest-growing energy resource in the United States. The U.S. Geological Survey is the authoritative, unbiased source for assessments of the world's oil and gas endowment. Come learn how these exciting new energy resources may contribute to the energy mix.