The USGS is conducting geologic mapping and scientific research of complexly deformed crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks in the Northeastern United States. Current mapping activities are focused on 1:24,000-scale mapping in New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, and New York, plus regionwide 1:500,000-scale compilation of the bedrock geology of New England. The project produces high-quality, multi-purpose digital geologic maps and accompanying databases and reports to solve diverse problems in high-priority areas. The research is part of a Federal component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program called FEDMAP. FEDMAP geologic mapping advances nationwide geologic mapping and associated research as mandated by the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-285). The FEDMAP program produces world-class digital geologic maps and 3D framework models based on state-of-the art observation and scientific interpretation directed by high priority national issues.

The goal of this project is to produce high quality 1:24,000-scale to 1:500,000-scale bedrock geologic maps that improve our understanding of crystalline bedrock in the Northeast United States. New detailed mapping is focused in areas where limited detailed or modern mapping exists. Compilation mapping aims to synthesize the geology of the region, address stratigraphic problems, develop stratigraphic correlations, and reconcile small-scale, cross-border edge-match issues that exist between the state geologic maps.
The new maps contribute to framework studies to help characterize the distribution natural resources and address outstanding questions about the tectonic evolution of mountain belts and the behavior of groundwater and groundwater contaminants in fractured rock. The large-scale geologic maps include detailed fracture information that can be used to characterize the recharge potential of bedrock lithologies and identify potential pathways for groundwater and contaminant flow. Geologic mapping activities are supported by modern geochemistry, geochronology, paleontology, and petrology in scientifically appropriate areas.
Below are data release products associated with this project.
Generalized lithology for lithogeochemical classification of the bedrock of Vermont
Database of historical anthracite coal-mining infrastructure at the northern end of the Lackawanna syncline, Wayne, Susquehanna, and Lackawanna counties, Pennsylvania
Whole rock geochemistry and uranium-lead isotopic data from Mesoproterozoic rocks in the Eagle Lake quadrangle, Essex County, New York
Electron microprobe and 40Ar/39Ar isotopic data from west-central New Hampshire
Data release for depth to bedrock derived from Hydrogeology of Southeastern Connecticut by Melvin (1974)
Data release for depth to bedrock from Connecticut Water Resources Bulletins
Data release for depth to bedrock from Rhode Island Water Resources Maps
Photoluminescence Imaging of Whole Zircon Grains on a Petrographic Microscope - An Underused Aide for Geochronologic Studies
Electron microprobe analyses of feldspars and petrographic, geochemical, and geochronologic data from the Hawkeye Granite Gneiss and Lyon Mountain Granite Gneiss in the Adirondacks of New York (ver. 2.0, May 2023)
Petrophysical data collected on outcrops and rock samples from the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York
GIS and Data Tables for Focus Areas for Potential Domestic Nonfuel Sources of Rare Earth Elements
Geochemistry of ore, host rock, and mine waste pile samples of iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits of the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, in relation to potential rare earth elements resources, 2016-2018
Bedrock geologic map of the Woodstock quadrangle, Grafton County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Crown Point quadrangle, Essex County, New York, and Addison County, Vermont
Bedrock geologic map of the Springfield 7.5- x 15-minute quadrangle, Windsor County, Vermont, and Sullivan County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Mount Ascutney 7.5- x 15-minute quadrangle, Windsor County, Vermont, and Sullivan County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Hartland and North Hartland quadrangles, Windsor County, Vermont, and Sullivan and Grafton Counties, New Hampshire
Below are publications associated with this project.
An apparent dip calculator for spreadsheets
Age and tectonic setting of the Quinebaug-Marlboro belt and implications for the history of Ganderian crustal fragments in southeastern New England, USA
Unmixing multiple metamorphic muscovite age populations with powder X-ray diffraction and 40Ar/39Ar analysis
Integrated geophysical imaging of rare-earth-element-bearing iron oxide-apatite deposits in the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York
Photoluminescence imaging of whole zircon grains on a petrographic microscope—An underused aide for geochronologic studies
Geochronology of the Oliverian Plutonic Suite and the Ammonoosuc Volcanics in the Bronson Hill arc: Western New Hampshire, USA
Geochemistry and geophysics of iron oxide-apatite deposits and associated waste piles with implications for potential rare earth element resources from ore and historic mine waste in the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, USA
Syn-collisional exhumation of hot middle crust in the Adirondack Mountains (New York, USA): Implications for extensional orogenesis in the southern Grenville province
Bedrock geologic map of the Littleton and Lower Waterford quadrangles, Essex and Caledonia Counties, Vermont, and Grafton County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Lisbon quadrangle, and parts of the Sugar Hill and East Haverhill quadrangles, Grafton County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Miles Pond and Concord quadrangles, Essex and Caledonia Counties, Vermont, and Grafton County, New Hampshire
A transect through Vermont’s most famous volcano – Mount Ascutney: GSNH Summer 2017 Field Trip
Below are partners associated with this project.
The USGS is conducting geologic mapping and scientific research of complexly deformed crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks in the Northeastern United States. Current mapping activities are focused on 1:24,000-scale mapping in New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, and New York, plus regionwide 1:500,000-scale compilation of the bedrock geology of New England. The project produces high-quality, multi-purpose digital geologic maps and accompanying databases and reports to solve diverse problems in high-priority areas. The research is part of a Federal component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program called FEDMAP. FEDMAP geologic mapping advances nationwide geologic mapping and associated research as mandated by the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-285). The FEDMAP program produces world-class digital geologic maps and 3D framework models based on state-of-the art observation and scientific interpretation directed by high priority national issues.

The goal of this project is to produce high quality 1:24,000-scale to 1:500,000-scale bedrock geologic maps that improve our understanding of crystalline bedrock in the Northeast United States. New detailed mapping is focused in areas where limited detailed or modern mapping exists. Compilation mapping aims to synthesize the geology of the region, address stratigraphic problems, develop stratigraphic correlations, and reconcile small-scale, cross-border edge-match issues that exist between the state geologic maps.
The new maps contribute to framework studies to help characterize the distribution natural resources and address outstanding questions about the tectonic evolution of mountain belts and the behavior of groundwater and groundwater contaminants in fractured rock. The large-scale geologic maps include detailed fracture information that can be used to characterize the recharge potential of bedrock lithologies and identify potential pathways for groundwater and contaminant flow. Geologic mapping activities are supported by modern geochemistry, geochronology, paleontology, and petrology in scientifically appropriate areas.
Below are data release products associated with this project.
Generalized lithology for lithogeochemical classification of the bedrock of Vermont
Database of historical anthracite coal-mining infrastructure at the northern end of the Lackawanna syncline, Wayne, Susquehanna, and Lackawanna counties, Pennsylvania
Whole rock geochemistry and uranium-lead isotopic data from Mesoproterozoic rocks in the Eagle Lake quadrangle, Essex County, New York
Electron microprobe and 40Ar/39Ar isotopic data from west-central New Hampshire
Data release for depth to bedrock derived from Hydrogeology of Southeastern Connecticut by Melvin (1974)
Data release for depth to bedrock from Connecticut Water Resources Bulletins
Data release for depth to bedrock from Rhode Island Water Resources Maps
Photoluminescence Imaging of Whole Zircon Grains on a Petrographic Microscope - An Underused Aide for Geochronologic Studies
Electron microprobe analyses of feldspars and petrographic, geochemical, and geochronologic data from the Hawkeye Granite Gneiss and Lyon Mountain Granite Gneiss in the Adirondacks of New York (ver. 2.0, May 2023)
Petrophysical data collected on outcrops and rock samples from the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York
GIS and Data Tables for Focus Areas for Potential Domestic Nonfuel Sources of Rare Earth Elements
Geochemistry of ore, host rock, and mine waste pile samples of iron oxide-apatite (IOA) deposits of the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, in relation to potential rare earth elements resources, 2016-2018
Bedrock geologic map of the Woodstock quadrangle, Grafton County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Crown Point quadrangle, Essex County, New York, and Addison County, Vermont
Bedrock geologic map of the Springfield 7.5- x 15-minute quadrangle, Windsor County, Vermont, and Sullivan County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Mount Ascutney 7.5- x 15-minute quadrangle, Windsor County, Vermont, and Sullivan County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Hartland and North Hartland quadrangles, Windsor County, Vermont, and Sullivan and Grafton Counties, New Hampshire
Below are publications associated with this project.
An apparent dip calculator for spreadsheets
Age and tectonic setting of the Quinebaug-Marlboro belt and implications for the history of Ganderian crustal fragments in southeastern New England, USA
Unmixing multiple metamorphic muscovite age populations with powder X-ray diffraction and 40Ar/39Ar analysis
Integrated geophysical imaging of rare-earth-element-bearing iron oxide-apatite deposits in the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York
Photoluminescence imaging of whole zircon grains on a petrographic microscope—An underused aide for geochronologic studies
Geochronology of the Oliverian Plutonic Suite and the Ammonoosuc Volcanics in the Bronson Hill arc: Western New Hampshire, USA
Geochemistry and geophysics of iron oxide-apatite deposits and associated waste piles with implications for potential rare earth element resources from ore and historic mine waste in the eastern Adirondack Highlands, New York, USA
Syn-collisional exhumation of hot middle crust in the Adirondack Mountains (New York, USA): Implications for extensional orogenesis in the southern Grenville province
Bedrock geologic map of the Littleton and Lower Waterford quadrangles, Essex and Caledonia Counties, Vermont, and Grafton County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Lisbon quadrangle, and parts of the Sugar Hill and East Haverhill quadrangles, Grafton County, New Hampshire
Bedrock geologic map of the Miles Pond and Concord quadrangles, Essex and Caledonia Counties, Vermont, and Grafton County, New Hampshire
A transect through Vermont’s most famous volcano – Mount Ascutney: GSNH Summer 2017 Field Trip
Below are partners associated with this project.