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Below are data associated with the Southwest Biological Science Center's research.

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Measurements of arsenic in Sonora mud turtles and their food web at Montezuma Well, Arizona 2010-2015

These data were compiled to better understand the geogenic arsenic cycle in a unique natural wetland in central Arizona. The objective of our study was to determine the role of Sonora mud turtles in the arsenic cycle of a simple food web. These data represent the first study to do so even though a previous studies left out turtles as the top predator and consumer. The data were collected...

Dust mass and horizontal aeolian sediment flux data from a sampler network on the Colorado Plateau, USA

These data were compiled to assess time series data of aeolian sediment collections across varying climates, vegetation cover, and land uses on the Colorado Plateau. The objectives of our study were to interpret aeolian erosion and deposition processes and measure horizontal sediment flux over the span of two decades amid rapidly changing climate conditions and multiple land use changes...

Ecological resilience and resistance across the sagebrush biome under ambient and projected climate conditions

These data were compiled to provide a quantitative, spatially explicit estimate of ecological resilience and resistance (R&R) under ambient and projected future climate conditions. Objective of our study was to understand where and why climate change will alter the distribution of ecological resilience and resistance in the sagebrush biome throughout the 21st century. To accomplish this...

Land cover classification data for wetland complexes at Dixie Meadows, Nevada from January 2022 to November 2023

These data were compiled to provide satellite remote sensing observations of landcover in the vicinity of wetlands fed by geothermal springs in Dixie Meadows, Nevada, USA. Objectives of the study were to map landcover of water, vegetation, and soil between January 26, 2022 and November 27, 2023 using available imagery from the Sentinel-2 mission, thereby extending previously published...

Presence and cover data for 36 plant species and associated environmental data from the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam from 2016 to 2020

These data were collected to evaluate the cover and composition of native and nonnative vascular plant species within the riparian zone of the Colorado River from Glen Canyon Dam to the historic high-water line of Lake Mead, approximately 240 river miles downstream of Lees Ferry. The overall objective of the ongoing study these data were collected for is to determine how plant cover and...

Pre-fire predicted burn severity for estimating hazard of post-fire debris flow for conservation populations of blue-lineage Colorado River Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus) in the Upper Colorado River Basin

These data were compiled for/to estimate predicted pre-fire burn severity for estimating hazard of post-fire debris flow for conservation populations of blue-lineage Colorado River Cutthroat Trout. Objective(s) of our study were to predicted burn severity. These data represent predicted pre-fire differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) for portions of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming and were...

Survey results for yellow-billed Cuckoo occupancy and nesting in xeroriparian habitat in southeastern Arizona from 2013 through 2020

These data were compiled to investigate the distribution and breeding status of yellow-billed cuckoos (Coccyzus americanus) in southeastern Arizona xeroriparian habitat by comparing the results of standardized call-playback surveys to the results of nest searching efforts in the same sites from 2018 to 2020. The primary purpose of the study associated with these data was to determine and...

Climate Impact Meteorological Stations (CLIM-MET) data from Canyonlands National Park, Utah

These CLIM-MET stations are meteorological/geological stations that is designed to function in remote areas for long periods of time without human intervention. These stations measure meteorological and wind-erosion parameters under varying climatic and land-use conditions to detect and describe ongoing landscape changes. These data represent multiple years of local detailed landscape...

Climate Impact Meteorological Stations (CLIM-MET) data from the Mojave National Preserve, California (2016-2022)

These CLIM-MET stations are meteorological/geological stations that is designed to function in remote areas for long periods of time without human intervention. These stations measure meteorological and wind-erosion parameters under varying climatic and land-use conditions to detect and describe ongoing landscape changes. These data represent multiple years of local detailed landscape...

Lake Powell extent polygons at various elevations

These data were compiled to visualize the extent of Lake Powell at various elevation levels. These data represent water surface elevations for Lake Powell at levels critical to the operation of Glen Canyon Dam, at 5 foot intervals from the "Equalization Tier" ("Full Pool") to "Dead Pool", and at maximum and minimum elevations each water year throughout Glen Canyon Dam's operating history...

Traits and Factors Catalog (TRAFAC): Non-native insects of North American forests

These data were compiled in support of the "Predicting the next high-impact insect invasion: Elucidating traits and factors determining the risk of introduced herbivorous insects on North American native plants" project supported by the U.S. Geological Survey John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis, as well as the "Forecasting high-impact insect invasions by integrating...

Estimated current and future environmental suitability of pinyon and juniper tree species for 3 emission scenario pathways (SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5) across the western North America

These data were compiled to provide gridded estimates of environmental suitability for pinyon-juniper species in western North America. These gridded suitability projections provide estimates of suitability under current climate conditions and future climate conditions and allow for visualization of suitability change across each species’ entire range. These data consist of gridded...
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