Sagebrush recovery projections across the biome, 30 years after two seeding treatment applications, and associated model data (1986-2021)
September 6, 2024
This data release contains a formatted dataset compiled from multiple databases on restoration treatments and environmental conditions from across the sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) biome. With these data, we modeled the influence of environmental conditions and restoration treatments on trends in sagebrush cover using generalized additive models. We then used these models to create maps of projected sagebrush cover 30 years following wildfire (no treatment, and aerial or drill seeding of sagebrush). We also provide maps for the probability of recovery after 30 years without treatment, with aerial seeding of sagebrush, or with drill seeding of sagebrush.
Widespread degradation of ecosystem function and biodiversity loss has led to calls for massive investments in ecological restoration across the globe, but limited resources necessitate targeted application of restoration efforts. In western North America, disturbances such as wildfire, drought, and invasive species are increasingly altering the sagebrush biome, degrading habitat for species of conservation concern such as greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Effective restoration is needed to address these challenges, but understanding the conditions determining when, where, and at what rate sagebrush recovery will occur is a pressing research need across the vast and heterogeneous sagebrush landscape.
Files included in this data release:
sage_dat_release.csv – compiled and formatted multiple treatment and environmental datasets spanning broad spatio-temporal extents
sagebrush_notreat.tif – projected sagebrush cover 30 years following wildfire given local environmental conditions, without treatment
sagebrush_notreat_sd.tif – error (summarized across simulations) in projected sagebrush cover 30 years following wildfire given local environmental conditions, without treatment
perc_change_sage_aerial_artemisia.tif – projected change in sagebrush cover (relative to no treatment) 30 years following wildfire given local environmental conditions, with aerial seeding Artemisia spp.
perc_change_sage_aerial_artemisia_sd.tif – error (summarized across simulations) in projected change in sagebrush cover (relative to no treatment) 30 years following wildfire given local environmental conditions, with aerial seeding Artemisia spp.
perc_change_sage_drill_artemisia.tif – projected change in sagebrush cover (relative to no treatment) 30 years following wildfire given local environmental conditions, with drill seeding Artemisia spp.
perc_change_sage_drill_artemisia_sd.tif – error (summarized across simulations) in projected change in sagebrush cover (relative to no treatment) 30 years following wildfire given local environmental conditions, with drill seeding Artemisia spp.
prob_recovery_notreat.tif – probability of recovery 30 years after wildfire, without treatment prob_recovery_aerial_artemisia.tif – probability of recovery 30 years after wildfire, with aerial seeding Artemisia spp.
prob_recovery_drill_artemisia.tif – probability of recovery 30 years after wildfire, with drill seeding Artemisia spp.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2024 |
Title | Sagebrush recovery projections across the biome, 30 years after two seeding treatment applications, and associated model data (1986-2021) |
DOI | 10.5066/P13HMGUZ |
Authors | Adrian P Monroe, Bryan C Tarbox, Michelle Jeffries, Justin Welty, Michael O'Donnell, Robert Arkle, David Pilliod, Peter S Coates, Julie A Heinrichs, Daniel Manier, Cameron Aldridge |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Fort Collins Science Center |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |
David S Pilliod
Supervisory Research Ecologist
Supervisory Research Ecologist
Peter Coates, PhD
Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist
Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist
Cameron L Aldridge, PhD
Branch Chief / Supervisory Research Ecologist
Branch Chief / Supervisory Research Ecologist
David S Pilliod
Supervisory Research Ecologist
Supervisory Research Ecologist
Peter Coates, PhD
Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist
Supervisory Research Wildlife Biologist
Cameron L Aldridge, PhD
Branch Chief / Supervisory Research Ecologist
Branch Chief / Supervisory Research Ecologist