Kewaunee Wisconsin well water advisory forecast study door hanger left after sample collection.
Joel P Stokdyk
Joel Stokdyk is a Biologist with the Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) with the Upper Midwest Water Science Center.
Analysis of human and agricultural zoonotic pathogens and fecal indicators in environmental matrices
Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)
Large-volume sampling techniques for analysis of viruses and bacteria in water
Human enteric viruses in groundwater
Occurrence, fate and transport, and health effects of viruses in the environment
Persistence of pathogens in soil, groundwater, and surface water
Plant-soil-microbe interactions
Factors affecting pathogen contamination of drinking water wells
Southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology (SWIGG) study
Wells and enteric-disease transmission, epidemiological trial
Viral, bacterial, and protozoan pathogens and fecal markers in groundwater for public water supplies in Minnesota
Groundwater contamination occurrence, source, variability with depth to bedrock, and relationship to recharge in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin
Education and Certifications
2014. MS, Natural Resources. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2012. BS, Soil and Land Management with minor in Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis; Wetland Science Certificate. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Science and Products
Well Water Advisory Forecasts for northeast Wisconsin
Assessing the health risk from waterborne pathogens for public users recreating on future Iowa Water Trails recreation sites near Des Moines
Southwest Wisconsin Groundwater and Geology (SWIGG) study
Evaluating the risks of airborne pathogens from manure irrigation
Norovirus outbreak caused by a new septic system
Groundwater viruses in Minnesota drinking water wells
About LIDE
Microbial source tracking for streams in Scott County, Iowa, 2023
Cumulative antecedent precipitation data associated with well water samples collected in eastern Pennsylvania June-November 2017
Kewaunee Wisconsin well water advisory forecast study door hanger left after sample collection.
A wintery landscape of snow-covered grass and trees on a late morning in November in Kewaunee County in northeast Wisconsin.
A wintery landscape of snow-covered grass and trees on a late morning in November in Kewaunee County in northeast Wisconsin.
Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment team member Joel Stokdyk collects residential private well water sample for the well water advisory forecast study in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.
Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment team member Joel Stokdyk collects residential private well water sample for the well water advisory forecast study in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.
Team members from the USGS Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) collecting private well water samples on a chilly November day in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Pictured from left to right Joel Stokdyk (USGS), Rachel Cook (USDA), Aaron Firnstahl (USGS).
Team members from the USGS Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) collecting private well water samples on a chilly November day in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Pictured from left to right Joel Stokdyk (USGS), Rachel Cook (USDA), Aaron Firnstahl (USGS).
LIDE team members in front of field vehicle when traveling to collect private well water samples
linkJoel Stokdyk (USGS) and Rachel Cook (USDA) from the USGS Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) standing in front of field vehicle en route to collecting private well water samples on a chilly November day in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.
LIDE team members in front of field vehicle when traveling to collect private well water samples
linkJoel Stokdyk (USGS) and Rachel Cook (USDA) from the USGS Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) standing in front of field vehicle en route to collecting private well water samples on a chilly November day in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.
Quantitative microbial risk assessment with microbial source tracking for mixed fecal sources contaminating recreational river waters, Iowa, USA
Two risk assessments: Evaluating the use of indicator HF183 Bacteroides versus pathogen measurements for modelling recreational illness risks in an urban watershed
A multi-marker assessment of sewage contamination in streams using human-associated indicator bacteria, human-specific viruses, and pharmaceuticals
Quantitative microbial risk assessment for ingestion of antibiotic resistance genes from private wells contaminated by human and livestock fecal sources
Des Moines water trails: Health risk from waterborne pathogens during recreational water use
Study design and methods of the Wells and Enteric disease Transmission (WET) Trial, a randomised controlled trial
Creek and quarry water quality at Pipestone National Monument and pilot study of pathogen detection methods in waterfall mist at Winnewissa Falls, Pipestone, Minnesota, 2018–19
Microbial source tracking and land use associations for antibiotic resistance genes in private wells influenced by human and livestock fecal sources
Assessing private well contamination in Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties, Wisconsin: The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study
Statewide quantitative microbial risk assessment for waterborne viruses, bacteria, and protozoa in public water supply wells in Minnesota
Quantitative microbial risk assessment for contaminated private wells in the fractured dolomite aquifer of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin
Sources and risk factors for nitrate and microbial contamination of private household wells in the fractured dolomite aquifer of northeastern Wisconsin
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Well Water Advisory Forecasts for northeast Wisconsin
Assessing the health risk from waterborne pathogens for public users recreating on future Iowa Water Trails recreation sites near Des Moines
Southwest Wisconsin Groundwater and Geology (SWIGG) study
Evaluating the risks of airborne pathogens from manure irrigation
Norovirus outbreak caused by a new septic system
Groundwater viruses in Minnesota drinking water wells
About LIDE
Microbial source tracking for streams in Scott County, Iowa, 2023
Cumulative antecedent precipitation data associated with well water samples collected in eastern Pennsylvania June-November 2017
Kewaunee Wisconsin well water advisory forecast study door hanger left after sample collection.
Kewaunee Wisconsin well water advisory forecast study door hanger left after sample collection.
A wintery landscape of snow-covered grass and trees on a late morning in November in Kewaunee County in northeast Wisconsin.
A wintery landscape of snow-covered grass and trees on a late morning in November in Kewaunee County in northeast Wisconsin.
Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment team member Joel Stokdyk collects residential private well water sample for the well water advisory forecast study in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.
Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment team member Joel Stokdyk collects residential private well water sample for the well water advisory forecast study in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.
Team members from the USGS Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) collecting private well water samples on a chilly November day in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Pictured from left to right Joel Stokdyk (USGS), Rachel Cook (USDA), Aaron Firnstahl (USGS).
Team members from the USGS Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) collecting private well water samples on a chilly November day in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Pictured from left to right Joel Stokdyk (USGS), Rachel Cook (USDA), Aaron Firnstahl (USGS).
LIDE team members in front of field vehicle when traveling to collect private well water samples
linkJoel Stokdyk (USGS) and Rachel Cook (USDA) from the USGS Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) standing in front of field vehicle en route to collecting private well water samples on a chilly November day in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.
LIDE team members in front of field vehicle when traveling to collect private well water samples
linkJoel Stokdyk (USGS) and Rachel Cook (USDA) from the USGS Laboratory for Infectious Disease and the Environment (LIDE) standing in front of field vehicle en route to collecting private well water samples on a chilly November day in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin.
Quantitative microbial risk assessment with microbial source tracking for mixed fecal sources contaminating recreational river waters, Iowa, USA
Two risk assessments: Evaluating the use of indicator HF183 Bacteroides versus pathogen measurements for modelling recreational illness risks in an urban watershed
A multi-marker assessment of sewage contamination in streams using human-associated indicator bacteria, human-specific viruses, and pharmaceuticals
Quantitative microbial risk assessment for ingestion of antibiotic resistance genes from private wells contaminated by human and livestock fecal sources
Des Moines water trails: Health risk from waterborne pathogens during recreational water use
Study design and methods of the Wells and Enteric disease Transmission (WET) Trial, a randomised controlled trial
Creek and quarry water quality at Pipestone National Monument and pilot study of pathogen detection methods in waterfall mist at Winnewissa Falls, Pipestone, Minnesota, 2018–19
Microbial source tracking and land use associations for antibiotic resistance genes in private wells influenced by human and livestock fecal sources
Assessing private well contamination in Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties, Wisconsin: The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study
Statewide quantitative microbial risk assessment for waterborne viruses, bacteria, and protozoa in public water supply wells in Minnesota
Quantitative microbial risk assessment for contaminated private wells in the fractured dolomite aquifer of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin
Sources and risk factors for nitrate and microbial contamination of private household wells in the fractured dolomite aquifer of northeastern Wisconsin
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.