Laura Torresan (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Data report: geology of reef-front carbonate sediment deposits around Oahu, Hawaii
Sedimentation and bathymetric change in San Pablo Bay: 1856-1983
A long-term perspective of erosion and deposition in San Francisco Bay is vital to understanding and managing wetland change, harbor and channel siltation, and other sediment-related phenomena such as particle and particle-associated substance (pollutants, trace metals, etc.) transport and deposition. A quantitative comparison of historical hydrographic surveys provides this perspective. This repo
Conglomerates of the upper middle Eocene to lower Miocene Sespe Formation along the Santa Ynez Fault; implications for the geologic history of the eastern Santa Maria Basin area, California. Reconnaissance bulk-rock and clay mineralogies of argillaceous G
Final report: Acoustic mapping of dredged material disposal sites and deposits in Mamala Bay, Honolulu, Hawaii
Science Seminar Series
Science Seminar Series Archives
Featured Photos and Videos
Keep watching this page for more photos from our scientists!
Science Posters
The USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center created posters about each of these completed research projects. Here, the posters are presented along with additional information.
Giant Hawaiian Underwater Landslides
Science and Products
Data report: geology of reef-front carbonate sediment deposits around Oahu, Hawaii
Sedimentation and bathymetric change in San Pablo Bay: 1856-1983
A long-term perspective of erosion and deposition in San Francisco Bay is vital to understanding and managing wetland change, harbor and channel siltation, and other sediment-related phenomena such as particle and particle-associated substance (pollutants, trace metals, etc.) transport and deposition. A quantitative comparison of historical hydrographic surveys provides this perspective. This repo
Conglomerates of the upper middle Eocene to lower Miocene Sespe Formation along the Santa Ynez Fault; implications for the geologic history of the eastern Santa Maria Basin area, California. Reconnaissance bulk-rock and clay mineralogies of argillaceous G
Final report: Acoustic mapping of dredged material disposal sites and deposits in Mamala Bay, Honolulu, Hawaii
Science Seminar Series
Science Seminar Series Archives
Featured Photos and Videos
Keep watching this page for more photos from our scientists!
Science Posters
The USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center created posters about each of these completed research projects. Here, the posters are presented along with additional information.