Rodney R Knight
Rodney Knight is the Acting Regional Director of the Southeast Region at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Mr. Rodney Knight is the Center Director for the USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center, where he has dedicated 32 years to advancing the USGS’s mission. He began his career in 1992 as a student in the Nashville field office. In his role as Center Director, Mr. Knight leads a team of nearly 200 staff members, delivering high-quality water data, interpretations, and visualizations to federal, state, tribal, local, and non-governmental agencies. His position requires a comprehensive understanding of the scientific interests and needs of partner agencies across a five-state footprint, including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Tennessee. This expertise often allows him to facilitate collaboration among various agencies from neighboring states to address shared interests and challenges. Currently, Mr. Knight is serving in a detail as the Acting Regional Director for the Southeast Region of the USGS, while Holly Weyers, the Regional Director serves as the Acting Associate Director of Administrative Services for the bureau.
In the early stages of his career, Mr. Knight held various roles within the USGS focusing on hydrologic modeling, groundwater assessment, and stream ecology among other areas. During this time, he collaborated with numerous state partners, which helped him establish valuable partnerships across the Lower Mississippi-Gulf region, particularly in ecological flow initiatives. His contributions have garnered recognition from several states in the Southeast Region, resulting in state support for the development of decision-support frameworks for major rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, Mr. Knight has represented the USGS in a Report to Congress and served as an expert witness in a federal trial. In recent years, he has enjoyed engaging with federal, state, and local partners to foster collaborations that connect USGS science and data to real-world applications.
Mr. Knight holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil/Environmental Engineering from Tennessee Technological University, which he earned in 1995.
Science and Products
An analysis of streamflow trends in the southern and southeastern US from 1950-2015
Species richness responses to water withdrawal scenarios and minimum flow levels: Evaluating presumptive standards in the Tennessee and Cumberland River basins
Copula theory as a generalized framework for flow-duration curve-based streamflow estimates in ungaged and partially gaged catchments
Prediction and inference of flow-duration curves using multi-output neural networks
Streamflow characteristics from modelled runoff time series: Importance of calibration criteria selection
Putting flow-ecology relationships into practice: A decision-support system to assess fish community response to water-management scenarios
Model calibration criteria for estimating ecological flow characteristics
Accelerating advances in continental domain hydrologic modeling
Evaluation of statistical and rainfall-runoff models for predicting historical daily streamflow time series in the Des Moines and Iowa River watersheds
Hydrologic data for the Obed River watershed, Tennessee
Ecological limit functions relating fish community response to hydrologic departures of the ecological flow regime in the Tennessee River basin, United States
Modelling ecological flow regime: an example from the Tennessee and Cumberland River basins
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Tennessee FloodWatch
Streamflow Alteration Assessments to Support Bay and Estuary Restoration in Gulf States
Tennessee River (TENN) Basin Study
Lower Tennessee River (LTEN) Basin Study
Water availability for ungauged rivers: an integrative, multi-model approach to estimate water availability at ungauged rivers across the United States
Environmental Flow Research in the Tennessee River Basin
Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Areas (MDMSEA)
Estimated quantiles of decadal flow-duration curves using selected probability distributions fit to no-flow fractions and L-moments predicted for streamgages and for pour points of level-12 hydrologic unit codes in the southeastern United States, 1950-201
Estimated daily mean streamflows for HUC12 pour points in the southeastern United States, 1950-2009
Observed and modeled daily streamflow values for 74 U.S. Geological Survey streamgage locations in the Trinity and Mobile-Tombigbee River basins in the Southeast United States: 2000--2009
Summary of basin characteristics for National Hydrography Dataset, version 2 catchments in the southeastern United States, 1950 - 2010
Heuristically-determined geospatial boundary of streams and rivers draining to the Gulf of Mexico in the south-central and southeastern United States, July 2018
Solar radiation for National Hydrography Dataset, version 2 catchments in the Southeastern United States: 1950 - 2010
Summary of streamflow statistics for USGS streamgages in the southeastern United States: 1950 - 2010
Geospatial data supporting assessments of streamflow alteration to support bay and estuary restoration in the Gulf States
Trend analysis results for sites used in RESTORE Streamflow alteration assessments
Streamflow and fish community diversity data for use in developing ecological limit functions for the Cumberland Plateau, northeastern Middle Tennessee and southwestern Kentucky, 2015
RESTORE/fdclmrpplo, Source code for estimation of L-moments and percent no-flow conditions for decadal flow-duration curves and estimation at level-12 hydrologic unit codes along with other statistical computations
Science and Products
An analysis of streamflow trends in the southern and southeastern US from 1950-2015
Species richness responses to water withdrawal scenarios and minimum flow levels: Evaluating presumptive standards in the Tennessee and Cumberland River basins
Copula theory as a generalized framework for flow-duration curve-based streamflow estimates in ungaged and partially gaged catchments
Prediction and inference of flow-duration curves using multi-output neural networks
Streamflow characteristics from modelled runoff time series: Importance of calibration criteria selection
Putting flow-ecology relationships into practice: A decision-support system to assess fish community response to water-management scenarios
Model calibration criteria for estimating ecological flow characteristics
Accelerating advances in continental domain hydrologic modeling
Evaluation of statistical and rainfall-runoff models for predicting historical daily streamflow time series in the Des Moines and Iowa River watersheds
Hydrologic data for the Obed River watershed, Tennessee
Ecological limit functions relating fish community response to hydrologic departures of the ecological flow regime in the Tennessee River basin, United States
Modelling ecological flow regime: an example from the Tennessee and Cumberland River basins
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.