Rose L. Medina
Rose Medina is a Physical Scientist in the Information Management Unit.
Rose supports the Nevada Water Science Center with geospatial data management, analysis, and data release. She provides expertise in knowledge of the center’s data holdings, visualization, usability principles to user interface designs, and publication processes. She also supports the internal SharePoint and public Drupal center web spaces.
Professional Experience
1996 - Present: Physical Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey, Nevada Water Science Center
1994 - 1996: SCEP student, U.S. Geological Survey, Nevada Water Science Center
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Geography, University of Nevada, Reno, 1996
Science and Products
Nevada StreamStats
The USGS Nevada Water Science Center (NVWSC), in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Nevada Division of Water Resources (NDWR), is updating streamflow statistics for Nevada. Additionally, the project includes launching StreamStats, a web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool that provides streamflow statistics and information about drainage basins. Work on this...
Geospatial Data for Characterizing Drainage Basins in the Nevada StreamStats Study Area
This data release contains raster geospatial data for characterizing drainage basins in the Nevada StreamStats study area. Included are precipitation, temperature, elevation, slope, and land cover data. There are 70 full or partial 8-digit hydrologic units (HU8) represented in the Nevada StreamStats study area: 15010005 (partial), 15010006 (partial), 15010008, 15010009, 15010010...
Foundational geospatial data sets for delineating drainage areas for Nevada StreamStats
This data release contains vector and raster geospatial data for delineating drainage basins in the Nevada StreamStats study area. Included are vector streamline, waterbody, and inner wall data used to hydrologically condition the digital elevation model. The hydrologically-conditioned digital elevation model, flow direction, flow accumulation, and stream delineation raster data are also...
Data for the report Evapotranspiration from the Lower Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada, Water Years 2005–07
This vector data set represents the evapotranspiration (ET) discharge quantification area polygon in the lower Walker River basin.
Data for the 2009 report Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada
This U.S. Geological Survey data release contains data for Smith and Mason Valleys, California and Nevada, from the 2009 publication: Lopes, T.J.,and Allander, K.K., 2009, Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5155, Data include (1...
Geospatial data for Gumboot Lake extents from the report Effects of ground-water development on the water regimen of Paradise Valley, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1949-1968 and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Tributary Areas
This USGS data release consists of polygons representing Gumboot Lake extents from the report Effects of ground-water development on the water regimen of Paradise Valley, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1949-1968 and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Tributary Areas (Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Water Resources Bulletin 39). There are two datasets containing four...
Data for the report Geologic Framework and Hydrogeology of the Middle Carson River Basin, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central Nevada
This USGS data release represents the data from the following publication: Maurer, D.K., 2011, Geologic framework and hydrogeology of the middle Carson River Basin, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5055,
Data for the report Ground-water flow and simulated effects of development in Paradise Valley, a basin tributary to the Humboldt River in Humboldt County, Nevada (U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1409-F)
This USGS data release represents the data from the following publication: Prudic, D.E., and Herman, M.E., 1996, Ground-water flow and simulated effects of development in Paradise Valley, a basin tributary to the Humboldt River in Humboldt County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1409-F,
Data for the report Hydrogeologic framework and ground-water levels, 1982 and 1996, middle Humboldt River basin, north-central Nevada (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4209)
This USGS data release represents data from the following publication: Plume, R.W., and Ponce, S.A., 1999, Hydrogeologic framework and ground-water levels, 1982 and 1996, middle Humboldt River basin, north-central Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4209, 2 plates,
Evapotranspiration units and potential areas of groundwater discharge delineated July 2024, 2009 in the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada
This USGS data release represents the evapotranspiration units and potential areas of groundwater discharge geospatial data from the following publication: Plume, R.W., and Smith, J.L., 2013, Properties of basin-fill deposits, a 19712000 water budget, and surface-water-groundwater interactions in the upper Humboldt River basin, northeastern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific...
Groundwater discharge areas for the 14 hydrographic areas in the middle Humboldt River Basin, north-central Nevada
This data set contains polygons representing the groundwater discharge areas for the 14 hydrographic areas in the middle Humboldt River Basin, north-central Nevada.
Depth-to-water area polygons, isopleths showing mean annual runoff, 1912-1963, and water-level altitude contours for the Humboldt River Basin, Nevada
This USGS data release represents the 1:500,000-scale geospatial data for the following publication: Eakin, T.E., and Lamke, R.D., 1966, Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Humboldt River basin, Nevada: Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Water Resources Bulletin 32, 107 p. The data set consists of 3 separate items: 1. Depth-to-water area polygons 2.
CRT--Cascade Routing Tool to define and visualize flow paths for grid-based watershed models
The U.S. Geological Survey Cascade Routing Tool (CRT) is a computer application for watershed models that include the coupled Groundwater and Surface-water FLOW model, GSFLOW, and the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). CRT generates output to define cascading surface and shallow subsurface flow paths for grid-based model domains. CRT requires a land-surface elevation for each...
Wesley R. Henson, Rose L. Medina, C. Justin Mayers, Richard G. Niswonger, R.S. Regan
Precipitation zones of west-central Nevada
Whether Nevada can sustain its fast rate of growth depends in part on accurately quantifying the amount of water that is available, including precipitation. The Precipitation-Zone Method (PZM) is a way of estimating mean annual precipitation at any point. The PZM was developed using data from west-central Nevada and northeastern California, but preliminary analysis indicates it can be...
Thomas J. Lopes, Rose L. Medina
Hydrogeology and Hydrologic Landscape Regions of Nevada
In 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency initiated a rule to protect ground water in areas other than source-water protection areas. These other sensitive ground water areas (OSGWAs) are aquifers that are not currently but could eventually be used as a source of drinking water. The OSGWA program specifically addresses existing wells that are used for underground injection of...
Douglas K. Maurer, Thomas J. Lopes, Rose L. Medina, J. LaRue Smith
Water resources data, Nevada, water year 2003
Water-resources data for the 2003 water year for Nevada consists of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs; precipitation; and water levels in wells. This report contains discharge records for 182 streamflow-gaging stations on streams, canals and drains; Discharge data for 52 partial record stations and...
Emil L. Stockton, Clifford Z. Jones, Ryan C. Rowland, Rose L. Medina
Humboldt River main stem, Nevada
This data set contains the main stem of the Humboldt River as defined by Humboldt Project personnel of the U.S. Geological Survey Nevada District, 2001. The data set was digitized on screen using digital orthophoto quadrangles from 1994.
Eric Warmath, Rose L. Medina
Data sets and related information used for estimating regional ground-water evapotranspiration in eastern Nevada
No abstract available.
J. LaRue Smith, Brian D. Reece, Rose L. Medina
Spatial ground-water data base in Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California, development and documentation
No abstract available.
David L. Berger, Rose L. Medina
1:24,000-scale Hydrographic Areas for Humboldt River Basin, Nevada
This data set contains the topographic and administrative hydrographic area boundaries for the Humboldt River Basin at 1:24,000-scale.
Rose L. Medina
Science and Products
Nevada StreamStats
The USGS Nevada Water Science Center (NVWSC), in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Nevada Division of Water Resources (NDWR), is updating streamflow statistics for Nevada. Additionally, the project includes launching StreamStats, a web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool that provides streamflow statistics and information about drainage basins. Work on this...
Geospatial Data for Characterizing Drainage Basins in the Nevada StreamStats Study Area
This data release contains raster geospatial data for characterizing drainage basins in the Nevada StreamStats study area. Included are precipitation, temperature, elevation, slope, and land cover data. There are 70 full or partial 8-digit hydrologic units (HU8) represented in the Nevada StreamStats study area: 15010005 (partial), 15010006 (partial), 15010008, 15010009, 15010010...
Foundational geospatial data sets for delineating drainage areas for Nevada StreamStats
This data release contains vector and raster geospatial data for delineating drainage basins in the Nevada StreamStats study area. Included are vector streamline, waterbody, and inner wall data used to hydrologically condition the digital elevation model. The hydrologically-conditioned digital elevation model, flow direction, flow accumulation, and stream delineation raster data are also...
Data for the report Evapotranspiration from the Lower Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada, Water Years 2005–07
This vector data set represents the evapotranspiration (ET) discharge quantification area polygon in the lower Walker River basin.
Data for the 2009 report Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada
This U.S. Geological Survey data release contains data for Smith and Mason Valleys, California and Nevada, from the 2009 publication: Lopes, T.J.,and Allander, K.K., 2009, Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5155, Data include (1...
Geospatial data for Gumboot Lake extents from the report Effects of ground-water development on the water regimen of Paradise Valley, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1949-1968 and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Tributary Areas
This USGS data release consists of polygons representing Gumboot Lake extents from the report Effects of ground-water development on the water regimen of Paradise Valley, Humboldt County, Nevada, 1949-1968 and Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Tributary Areas (Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Water Resources Bulletin 39). There are two datasets containing four...
Data for the report Geologic Framework and Hydrogeology of the Middle Carson River Basin, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central Nevada
This USGS data release represents the data from the following publication: Maurer, D.K., 2011, Geologic framework and hydrogeology of the middle Carson River Basin, Eagle, Dayton, and Churchill Valleys, West-Central Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5055,
Data for the report Ground-water flow and simulated effects of development in Paradise Valley, a basin tributary to the Humboldt River in Humboldt County, Nevada (U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1409-F)
This USGS data release represents the data from the following publication: Prudic, D.E., and Herman, M.E., 1996, Ground-water flow and simulated effects of development in Paradise Valley, a basin tributary to the Humboldt River in Humboldt County, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1409-F,
Data for the report Hydrogeologic framework and ground-water levels, 1982 and 1996, middle Humboldt River basin, north-central Nevada (U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4209)
This USGS data release represents data from the following publication: Plume, R.W., and Ponce, S.A., 1999, Hydrogeologic framework and ground-water levels, 1982 and 1996, middle Humboldt River basin, north-central Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4209, 2 plates,
Evapotranspiration units and potential areas of groundwater discharge delineated July 2024, 2009 in the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada
This USGS data release represents the evapotranspiration units and potential areas of groundwater discharge geospatial data from the following publication: Plume, R.W., and Smith, J.L., 2013, Properties of basin-fill deposits, a 19712000 water budget, and surface-water-groundwater interactions in the upper Humboldt River basin, northeastern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific...
Groundwater discharge areas for the 14 hydrographic areas in the middle Humboldt River Basin, north-central Nevada
This data set contains polygons representing the groundwater discharge areas for the 14 hydrographic areas in the middle Humboldt River Basin, north-central Nevada.
Depth-to-water area polygons, isopleths showing mean annual runoff, 1912-1963, and water-level altitude contours for the Humboldt River Basin, Nevada
This USGS data release represents the 1:500,000-scale geospatial data for the following publication: Eakin, T.E., and Lamke, R.D., 1966, Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Humboldt River basin, Nevada: Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Water Resources Bulletin 32, 107 p. The data set consists of 3 separate items: 1. Depth-to-water area polygons 2.
CRT--Cascade Routing Tool to define and visualize flow paths for grid-based watershed models
The U.S. Geological Survey Cascade Routing Tool (CRT) is a computer application for watershed models that include the coupled Groundwater and Surface-water FLOW model, GSFLOW, and the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS). CRT generates output to define cascading surface and shallow subsurface flow paths for grid-based model domains. CRT requires a land-surface elevation for each...
Wesley R. Henson, Rose L. Medina, C. Justin Mayers, Richard G. Niswonger, R.S. Regan
Precipitation zones of west-central Nevada
Whether Nevada can sustain its fast rate of growth depends in part on accurately quantifying the amount of water that is available, including precipitation. The Precipitation-Zone Method (PZM) is a way of estimating mean annual precipitation at any point. The PZM was developed using data from west-central Nevada and northeastern California, but preliminary analysis indicates it can be...
Thomas J. Lopes, Rose L. Medina
Hydrogeology and Hydrologic Landscape Regions of Nevada
In 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency initiated a rule to protect ground water in areas other than source-water protection areas. These other sensitive ground water areas (OSGWAs) are aquifers that are not currently but could eventually be used as a source of drinking water. The OSGWA program specifically addresses existing wells that are used for underground injection of...
Douglas K. Maurer, Thomas J. Lopes, Rose L. Medina, J. LaRue Smith
Water resources data, Nevada, water year 2003
Water-resources data for the 2003 water year for Nevada consists of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs; precipitation; and water levels in wells. This report contains discharge records for 182 streamflow-gaging stations on streams, canals and drains; Discharge data for 52 partial record stations and...
Emil L. Stockton, Clifford Z. Jones, Ryan C. Rowland, Rose L. Medina
Humboldt River main stem, Nevada
This data set contains the main stem of the Humboldt River as defined by Humboldt Project personnel of the U.S. Geological Survey Nevada District, 2001. The data set was digitized on screen using digital orthophoto quadrangles from 1994.
Eric Warmath, Rose L. Medina
Data sets and related information used for estimating regional ground-water evapotranspiration in eastern Nevada
No abstract available.
J. LaRue Smith, Brian D. Reece, Rose L. Medina
Spatial ground-water data base in Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, and Alpine County, California, development and documentation
No abstract available.
David L. Berger, Rose L. Medina
1:24,000-scale Hydrographic Areas for Humboldt River Basin, Nevada
This data set contains the topographic and administrative hydrographic area boundaries for the Humboldt River Basin at 1:24,000-scale.
Rose L. Medina