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Areas of Expertise

National Water Quality Laboratory has several areas of expertise.

Inorganic, Organic, and Radiochemistry
Trace and ultratrace-level detection
Advanced environmental analytical methodologies

At NWQL, Analytical methods are defined as the set of techniques that allow us to know qualitatively (if something is present) and / or quantitatively (how much is present) in the sample we are analyzing. Samples could be water, air, tissue, sediment, or other solids.  When these techniques /methods are used, we use the Scientific Method to ensure our methods are appropriate for the things (elements, compounds or analytes) we are looking for in the type of sample we are analyzing.  A method is commonly one or more analytical techniques chosen to best answer the question of interest for the sample in question.

At NWQL we provide national and international solutions to many types of Water Quality issues.  We analyze water, tissues, sediments, and soil for thousands of compounds including pharmaceuticals, hormones, elements, pesticides, nutrients, volatile organics, and much more. An example of how our data is used can be seen in this publication -- Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams.

Different matrices (water, wastewater, sediment, tissue)

A sample matrix is where contaminants might reside in the environment and include, for example, water, suspended sediment, bed sediment, soil, air (gas and particle phases), plants and animals.  The NWQL determines organic and inorganic contaminants in a variety of sample matrices, most commonly in water and sediments.

Taxonomic identification and quantitation of benthic invertebrates
Methods research and development (R&D)  methods scale-up for high capacity analytical support

Depending on the expected workload for a particular test or procedure, the NWQL will scale up or down the staffing and equipment needed to meet the analytical demand.

Quality-assured supplies for field sampling
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