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June 24, 2019 - Registration for ARD19, the Second ARD workshop on Remote Sensing Data Interoperability, is now open.


The Second ARD Workshop on Remote Sensing Data Interoperability is taking place on August 5-7th in Menlo Park, CA at the USGS Menlo Park Campus.

Landsat Analysis Ready Data

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The workshop is dedicated to discussing interoperability between commercial data sources of imagery and public datasets. Different approaches to data harmonization will be presented with an emphasis on determining standard approaches and practical recommendations on standards for Analytics Ready Data (ARD). The workshop is open to technical staff in commercial EO data providers, government agencies like USGS, NASA and ESA - as well as data analytics providers, researchers and NGOs. Space is limited, please use the follow form to apply. Sponsors are also currently being accepted.

To attend, complete the sign-up form found here. 

Topics for 2019 include (see here for last’s year ARD18 program and videos):

  • Geometric and Radiometric Harmonization
  • Image Quality Metrics, Monitoring and Specification
  • Machine-learning applications/methods
  • Time-series Analysis
  • Fusing satellite imagery with drones, sensor networks and other non-space sources
  • Color and Visual Products
  • Sensor-fusion algorithms
  • ARD-driven Payload design & System Engineering, Hardware
  • Product Development and Application-driven Requirement Gathering
  • Standards for Data Distribution and Commercialization (Open Data Cube, STAC, COGs, etc.)
  • Imaging Pipelines, Software Engineering and Distributed Computing for ARD
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