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March 9, 2017 – Harmonized Landsat, Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance Products Available

Landsat and Sentinel-2 products represent the most widely accessible medium-to-high spatial resolution multispectral satellite data. 

Combining these data offers a unique opportunity to observe globally the land every 2-3 days at medium (<30m) spatial resolution.

The Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 (HLS) project is a NASA initiative to produce a consistent, harmonized surface reflectance product from Landsat and Sentinel-2 data, which was acquired from October 2015 through December 2016 for selected test sites.

The NASA HLS webpage displays data product descriptions, information on the processing algorithms, quality assessment details, and links to test sites and FTP data download directories. Please note this HLS surface reflectance product may appear different than the U.S. Geological Survey's provisional surface reflectance product, and we encourage users to review the HLS User Guide, Release Notes, and Quality Assessment results prior to use.

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