Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level-3 Products Now Available
The production of Landsat 9 Level-3 Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWE) and Fractional Snow Cover Area (fSCA) science products has begun in coordination with the Collection 2 Landsat 9 data reprocessing campaign.
The Landsat 9 DSWE and fSCA science products are now available to download from EarthExplorer and the Commercial Cloud.
The production of Landsat 9 Burned Area science products and the annual fSCA Statistics will be delayed until all Landsat 9 reprocessing has completed.
Landsat 9 Level-3 science products created from newly acquired Landsat 9 data (from March 1, 2023 on) are processed after the completion of the Level-2 products (see Landsat Collection 2 Generation Timeline for Level-2 sensor specific timeframes). Landsat 9 Level-3 products from February 28, 2023, going back to October 31, 2021, will be processed during the next 6 to 8 weeks, as the entire Landsat 9 archive is reprocessed.
Please note, the Product ID for each Level-3 product will be updated with the new processing date — reprocessed imagery will have a processing date that is March 1, 2023, or later.
Additional information will be posted when the reprocessing effort is complete and when production begins for Landsat 9 Burned Area science products.
Please contact USGS Customer Services with any questions about this information.
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