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March 7, 2023

The USGS/NASA Calibration/Validation Team has completed their analysis and found that the radiometry and geometry of the Landsat 9 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data acquired after the February 27, 2023 anomaly are of good quality and that a new Calibration Parameter File (CPF) does not need to be issued. This concurrence allows for the processing of Landsat 9 products to resume.

The previous news about the anomaly can be found on this Landsat Headline

As the Landsat 9 scenes are processed, they will become available on EarthExplorer and through the Commercial Cloud.  Note:  Landsat 9 scenes from February 27 (DOY 58 18:19:36 GMT) to February 28 (DOY 59 21:02:49 GMT) will be processed as Operational Land Imager (OLI)-only products.  

In addition to newly acquired scenes becoming available, the reprocessing of the entire Landsat 9 archive has also started. Please see this Landsat Missions Headline for information on this effort.  

Please contact USGS Customer Services with any questions about Landsat 9 data availability.   


Return to all Landsat Headlines 

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