Landsat Collection 1 Datasets To Be Removed By End of 2022
By the end of 2022, all Landsat Collection 1 data and science products will be removed from USGS data access platforms.
All Landsat Collection 1 data and science products will be removed from USGS data access platforms by the end of 2022.
This removal includes Level-1, Level-2, Level-3, and ESPA- related products. Collection 1 has not been updated with Landsat products since December 31, 2021.
Users are encouraged to migrate their workflow to Landsat Collection 2 at their earliest convenience. Due to advancements in data processing and algorithm development, users are discouraged from using Collection 1 and Collection 2 interchangeably within the same workflow.
Landsat Collection 2 was first made available in 2020, marking the second major reprocessing of the Landsat Archive by the USGS. The effort harnessed recent advancements in data processing, algorithm development, and data access and distribution capabilities to substantially enhance Landsat data products. The collection includes Landsat Level-1 data for all sensors since 1972 as well as global Level-2 surface reflectance and surface temperature scene-based products from 1982 to present.
Please contact USGS Customer Services with any questions about this announcement.
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