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November 1, 2017 - Upcoming Infrastructure Maintenance

On Tuesday, November 7, 2017, the USGS EROS Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota will temporarily halt Landsat data processing at 11:00 am CST, and all data distribution from EarthExplorer, GloVis, theLandsatLook Viewer, and ESPA at 3:00 pm CST due to planned required infrastructure maintenance. 

General information webpages will also become unavailable at 3:00 pm.
Users can expect data distribution and processing interruptions to last until 10:00 am CST on Wednesday, November 8, 2017.  General information webpages may become available by 8:00 am; however, distribution and processing systems will gradually resume once maintenance is completed.
Landsat data users, please note this interruption will cause a delay in the processing of Landsat 8 and Landsat 7 data acquired during this time. Data will become available as soon as processing resumes.
We apologize for the inconvenience this interruption may cause, and appreciate your patience.

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