SAFRR tsunami scenario for ports

Detailed Description
Maximum current speeds for the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and the Port of Long Beach (POLB) generated during the SAFRR tsunami scenario. The ports are protected by a breakwater, but during the tsunami there would be dangerously fast currents around the port entrances in the wall, locally referred to as “Angels Gate” (at POLA) and “Queens Gate” (at POLB). In the POLA, powerful currents are also expected at Cabrillo Marina and the Boat Yard, where they could break apart floating docks, damage pilings, and pull small vessels from their mooring lines. The strongest currents would be expected in the Old Navy Yard; however, there are no exposed floating assets in that immediate area. In the POLB, jet-like currents would be likely at the entrance to the main cargo container area (Pier J) and may be sufficient to damage, and possibly break, mooring lines. Image from "The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario—Improving Resilience for California" (USGS Fact Sheet 2013–3081).
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