5 Incredible Facts About Mount St. Helens
Detailed Description
May is Volcano Awareness Month in Washington State. There's no better time to learn five incredible facts about Mount St. Helens. This list is a truncated version of the popular 30 Cool Facts about Mount St. Helens (usgs.gov) poster. If you’d like to see other things that make the mountain unique, check that poster out. Or for more information, check out:
- To learn about what USGS does with Mount St. Helens, visit the USGS Mount St. Helens volcano site.
- To learn more about how the 1980 eruption influenced volcanology check out the USGS fact sheet, “Ten Ways Mount St. Helens Changed Our World—The Enduring Legacy of the 1980 Eruption.”
- To learn more about ash, visit the International Volcanic Health Hazard Network webpage.
- Sign up to receive email notifications from the USGS about volcanic activity using the USGS Volcano Notification Service.
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