Landslide science - One consultant’s role in connecting research with the public
Detailed Description
Consulting firms often have the opportunity to apply research conducted by universities and government agencies to individual projects that directly impact the public. As co-owner and Principal Geologist of Appalachian Landslide Consultants, PLLC, Jennifer Bauer, P.G., has had the opportunity to apply landslide and rockfall related research to projects that help protect public safety in general, as well as individual members of the public. In her talk, Jennifer will discuss some of the landslide inventory and susceptibility mapping projects, geotechnical asset management/inventory projects, and private landslide characterization work ALC has been involved in that do just that. She’ll also talk about how education and outreach is a key component to the work ALC does to increase awareness of landslide hazards.
Bauer J (2021) Landslide science - One consultant’s role in connecting research with the public. USGS Landslide Hazards Program Seminar Series, 08 December 2021.
Public Domain.
Video thumbnail used with permission from Jennifer Bauer, Appalachian Landslide Consultants, PLLC.