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Ecosystems A to Z

Did you know that the USGS Ecosystems Mission Area is the biological research arm of the U.S. Department of the Interior?    

USGS Ecosystems Mission Area scientists are leading research and monitoring efforts across the country and in some cases around the globe. Studying topics from amphibians to zoonotic diseases, they provide natural resource managers with the information and data needed to make decisions about the nation’s wildlife and wild places. In the Ecosystems A-Z series, we’ll share just some of the work our scientists are leading from A-Z, and now C is for Chronic Wasting Disease.

C is for Chronic Wasting Disease

What’s in a name? Chronic wasting disease sounds ominous, too descriptive for comfort, almost impolite in its directness. It is, in fact, a truthful name for a disease and a real threat to North America’s cervids.


Read more about this devastating disease HERE.

Listen to our Podcast.

Map of North America showing locations where chronic wasting disease has been detected.
Distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease in North America, updated January 28, 2021
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