The Earth is a very dynamic and powerful place where natural hazards can quickly become disasters that threaten society. The USGS monitors and studies the science behind natural hazards of all kinds so that our society can reduce potential risk and loss by being prepared.
On September 23, the USGS launched a new way for you to browse USGS natural hazards science programs and activities. The Natural Hazards Science Explorer website gets you started on the science behind the natural hazards you know about and perhaps introduces you to others.
From ‘Hazards 101’ to ‘Threats from Space’, you can explore how science contributes to a smarter and safer world. Learn about how the earth moves, the many ways we monitor Earth’s Pulse, and how you can sign up for various alerts, forecasts or notifications that notify people of risk or impending dangerous conditions associated with natural hazards. You can even learn about how USGS works to reduce risk and build resilience to natural hazards and their potentially cascading consequences.
You can explore each topic by data, news, images, video, social media, and much more. These pages include slideshows, image galleries and links into deeper content from across the USGS natural hazards portfolio. Did you know that the U.S. has spent more than $1 billion dealing with harmful algal blooms over the last 10 years? Learn more about the Cost of Biological Threats.
The U.S. Geological Survey provides critical information to help protect communities from the natural hazards that occur every day.
Learn more through the USGS Science Explorer.
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