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Research Programs

Intro here

The USGS Natural Hazards Mission Area (NHMA) includes six science Programs: Coastal/Marine Hazards
and Resources, Earthquake Hazards, Geomagnetism, Global Seismographic Network, Landslide Hazards,
and Volcano Hazards. Through these programs, the USGS provides alerts and warnings of geologic
hazards and supports the warning responsibilities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) for geomagnetic storms and tsunamis. The Coastal/Marine Hazards and
Resources Program supports all the missions of the USGS, characterizing and assessing coastal and
marine processes, conditions, change and vulnerability.

The NHMA also works across other mission areas focused on developing and maintaining an integrated
and dedicated workforce of scientists and technicians with expertise in earth sciences, hydrology,
biology, geography, social sciences, emergency management and other fields that collect and manage
the information needed to prepare for and respond to a wide range of natural hazards and cascading

To achieve its primary mission, and to fulfill its responsibilities for loss and risk reduction, the USGS
Natural Hazards Mission Area develops, delivers, and applies several components of hazard science:
observations and targeted research underpin assessments, forecasts, warnings, and crisis and disaster
response. USGS provides research, data, products, and detailed information that enables Federal, Tribal,
State, local, and private-sector end-users to better understand, anticipate and reduce their risks
associated with natural, technological, and environmental hazards, and enables science-based decisions
that effectively enhance resilience and reduce impacts from those threats.


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